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President of Liberty Latin America congratulates Panama for the consolidation law; fifth generation (5G) digital wireless access

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President of Liberty Latin America congratulates Panama for the consolidation law

Tue, 02/05/2019 - 15:23


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The telecommunications giant Liberty Latin America congratulated Panama for the law of market consolidation of this activity, because it is a "very positive" step and would look "with interest" on the possible sale of Telefonica's subsidiaries in the region, said its chief executive on Tuesday.

The CEO of Liberty Latin America, Balan Nair, supported this vision in a press conference in the Panamanian capital, comparing it with the behavior of the US markets and China.

"In the United States there are four operators with 350 million inhabitants, China has more than one billion people and only two operators, in Panama with four million people there are four operators fighting a bit of the market, it may not make much sense", reflected Nair, whose company owns 49% of the shares of Cable and Wireless Panama (CWP), the country's largest company in the country.

The other 49 percent belongs to the Panamanian State and 2 percent to its workers since the National Telecommunications Institute (INTEL) was privatized in 1995.

"It's a big step forward, it ensures that the investment is made quietly" in a stable market, he said.

In Panama, CWP, Telefónica (Spain), Digicel (Jamaica) and Claro (Mexico) operate.

The executive president of Liberty Latin America urged that "the law of market consolidation be applied in its full sense" by state institutions, to get the most of it for the benefit of society.

When he was asked about the possible interest of his company and others in the industry to buy the subsidiaries that Telefónica has in Panama, Costa Rica and Nicaragua, Nair did not confirm or deny this version, however, he added that "if there is a sale in Central America, we would consider it without a doubt".

On the other hand, confirmed that at the end of this year will open in Panama its Operations Center for Latin America, which calculates start with 500 employees.

"We chose Panama, between several cities, because it is the gateway to the continent and the two oceans, for its political and economic stability, it is a digital hub in Latin America, it has seven submarine digital fiber cables", he explained.

"Respect for intellectual property", he added, is another of the strengths they valued.

He added that they also decided on the Central American country because they have found "available talent, universities and smart people, we do not intend to bring in external personnel but to develop local talent".

From Panama it will attend various activities of its business in Chile, the Caribbean and Costa Rica, "with the best possible talent, to provide the best services, putting the customer first", he added.

Regarding the expansion of the Chinese telecommunications industry, the executive of Liberty Latin America said that "we are not afraid of its actions, our business is adding value" and emphasized that "we continue studying possibilities" because "we are happy with the results in Panama".

He explained that in 2018 the company made more than 700 million dollars in investments and assured that this year "will not be less", although he did not specify figures.

Regarding the advancement of technology, he considered that after the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games "the use of the 5G network will be seen more" a greater development of the internet and its relationship with daily life and "in five years, what we have today will look old-fashioned", he predicted.



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Moderator comment: There seems to be more to the story about Liberty Latin America relative to Panama. See this article, which is translated (see below).


Panamá podría ser el primer país en experimentar la red 5G de Liberty Latin America

febrero 18, 2019


Balam Nair, CEO de Liberty Latin America, visitó Panamá para anunciar la decisión de acogerse a la Ley de Sedes de Empresas Multinacionales (SEM).| Archivo

El establecimiento en Panamá del Centro de Operaciones de Liberty Latin America no sólo reforzará el rol del país como punto de conectividad física y digital, facilitará la transferencia de conocimiento a la mano de obra local y garantizará la generación aproximada de unas 500 plazas de trabajo bien remunerados en un periodo de cinco años, sino que también podría convertir a Panamá en el área de pruebas de las nuevas tecnologías que desarrollará su centro de investigación y desarrollo, lo que incluye la nueva plataforma digital de acceso inalámbrico de quinta generación (5G).

Así lo reveló Balam Nair, CEO de Liberty Latin America, quien visitó Panamá para anunciar oficialmente la decisión de esa empresa  de acogerse a la Ley de Sedes de Empresas Multinacionales (SEM) para establecer en la capital del Istmo un Centro de Operaciones, que concentrará diversas oficinas que brindan servicios a las empresas con las que Liberty Latin America cuenta en cada uno de los más de 20 países de América Latina y el Caribe en los que tiene presencia y cualquier nuevo mercado que pueda abrir en el futuro en la región, lo que podría incluir las áreas de Recursos Humanos e Investigación y Desarrollo (I+D).

Explicó que la escogencia de Panamá se dio luego de un exhaustivo análisis de los beneficios que ofrecían varias ciudades de la región, sin embargo, hubo algunos factores que terminaron inclinando la balanza en favor de este pequeño país, como su pujante crecimiento económico, el uso del dólar estadounidense como moneda legal, el centro logístico internacional, el alto nivel de conectividad área y el contar con una formidable red de cables submarinos de fibra óptica que garantizan una excelente conectividad digital y el imperio de la ley.

Sin embargo, hizo énfasis en que uno de los factores en los que Panamá destacó es el  contar con una población joven, diversa y con altos niveles de educación y buen dominio del idioma inglés, respecto al resto de la región.

Nair manifestó que en el Centro de Operaciones de Liberty Latin America laborarán unas 500 personas aproximadamente en un período de 5 años, lo que constituye una excelente oportunidad para desarrollar el talento local y traer de vuelta al país a panameños que han estudiado en universidades de Estados Unidos (EE.UU.) y  de América Latina, pero aclaró que igualmente contarán con personal proveniente de otros países de la región.

Señaló que aún no se ha determinado dónde se construirá el Centro de Operaciones de Liberty Latin America, ni cuánto costará el desarrollo de este proyecto, pero dejó claro que estas facilidades estarán alineadas con las nuevas tendencias internacionales de manera que no sólo sea un lugar atractivo para trabajar, sino que fomente la creatividad y la innovación.

De hecho, destacó que la iniciativa Energía 2020 para reducir su huella de carbono y promover el uso de energías renovables será tomada en cuenta en el desarrollo del Centro de Operaciones. 

Igualmente, Nair destacó que este Centro de Operaciones incluirá el establecimiento del Departamento de I+D de Liberty Latin America, lo que no solo implicará el desarrollo de innovaciones en los servicios que ofrece la empresa a nivel local, a través de Cable & Wireless  Panamá, sino que, además por su tamaño (al solo tener 4 millones de habitantes) y su configuración geográfica, Panamá podría convertirse en el campo de prueba de aquellos productos innovadores que se generen en el futuro, mencionando como un ejemplo que el istmo podría ser el primer país de la región en probar los beneficios que traerá consigo la plataforma de acceso inalámbrico 5G.

5G es el nuevo referente tecnológico de comunicaciones inalámbricas para las redes de comunicaciones e información que promete mayor velocidad, menos latencia (demora en envío y recepción de paquetes IP), excelentes niveles de accesibilidad y la posibilidad de conectar varios aparatos y dispositivos sin congestionar la red. 

Las redes 5G podrán acomodar más usuarios, numerosos sensores y dispositivos y mayor tráfico.

Sobre los planes de inversión de la empresa en la región, Nair aclaró que debido a estar listada en la Bolsa de Valores la empresa no hace públicos sus planes antes de comunicárselos a la bolsa, sin embargo, advirtió que en 2017 Liberty Latin America invirtió aproximadamente unos $700 millones en la región y aseguró que este año la cifra no sería menor.   

Por su parte, Julio Spiegel, presidente ejecutivo y gerente general de Cable & Wireless Panamá, destacó que “nos encontramos ante momentos históricos para el sector de las telecomunicaciones y Panamá no escapa a ello. Estamos consolidándonos como un grupo altamente competitivo en la región, con el firme compromiso de trascender al unísono en cada una de las operaciones de Liberty Latin America. La instalación en Panamá del Centro de Operaciones de Liberty Latin America, nos permitirá seguir fortaleciendo el perfil de convergencia que tiene nuestro país para impactar con la última tecnología en la región”.

Spiegel aprovechó la oportunidad para informar que para celebrar el establecimiento en el país del Centro de Operaciones de Liberty Latin America, Cable & Wireless Panamá ofreció a sus  clientes  una actualización de sus velocidades de Internet, 20 a 50 Megas; de 75 a 150 Megas; de 100 hasta 300 Megas y finalmente, de 200 y 300 hasta 600 Megas, sin costo alguno por esta significativa mejora.  

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Following is an automated translation of this news article (and with no editing done):


Panama could be the first country to experience the 5G network of Liberty Latin America

The establishment in Panama of the Operations Center of Liberty Latin America will not only reinforce the country's role as a point of physical and digital connectivity, it will facilitate the transfer of knowledge to the local workforce and will guarantee the approximate generation of approximately 500 work places. paid in a period of five years, but could also make Panama the testing area for new technologies that will develop its research and development center, which includes the new fifth generation (5G) digital wireless access platform.

This was revealed by Balam Nair, CEO of Liberty Latin America, who visited Panama to officially announce the decision of that company to take advantage of the Law on Multinational Company Headquarters (SEM) to establish an Operations Center in the capital of the Isthmus, which will concentrate various offices that provide services to the companies with which Liberty Latin America has in each of the more than 20 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean in which it has a presence and any new market that may open in the future in the region, which could include the areas of Human Resources and Research and Development (R & D).

He explained that the choice of Panama was made after an exhaustive analysis of the benefits offered by several cities in the region, however, there were some factors that ended up tilting the balance in favor of this small country, such as its booming economic growth, the use of the US dollar as the legal currency, the international logistics center, the high level of connectivity, and having a formidable network of submarine fiber optic cables that guarantee excellent digital connectivity and the rule of law.

    However, he emphasized that one of the factors that Panama highlighted is having a young, diverse population with high levels of education and good command of the English language, compared to the rest of the region.

Nair said that in the Operations Center of Liberty Latin America about 500 people will work in a period of 5 years, which is an excellent opportunity to develop local talent and bring back to the country Panamanians who have studied at universities in the United States. United States (USA) and Latin America, but clarified that they will also have personnel from other countries in the region.

He pointed out that it has not yet been determined where the Liberty Latin America Operations Center will be built, nor how much will the development of this project cost, but he made it clear that these facilities will be aligned with the new international trends so that it is not only an attractive place to work, but to encourage creativity and innovation.

    In fact, he stressed that the Energy 2020 initiative to reduce its carbon footprint and promote the use of renewable energy will be taken into account in the development of the Operations Center.

Likewise, Nair stressed that this Operations Center will include the establishment of the R & D Department of Liberty Latin America, which will not only involve the development of innovations in the services offered by the company at the local level, through Cable & Wireless Panamá , but also because of its size (having only 4 million inhabitants) and its geographical configuration, Panama could become the testing ground for those innovative products that are generated in the future, mentioning as an example that the isthmus could be the first country in the region to test the benefits that the 5G wireless access platform will bring.

    5G is the new technological reference of wireless communications for communication and information networks that promises greater speed, less latency (delay in sending and receiving IP packets), excellent levels of accessibility and the possibility of connecting several devices and devices without congesting the net.

5G networks can accommodate more users, numerous sensors and devices and more traffic.

On the investment plans of the company in the region, Nair clarified that due to being listed on the Stock Exchange the company does not make public its plans before communicating them to the stock exchange, however, it warned that in 2017 Liberty Latin America invested approximately about $ 700 million in the region and assured that this year the figure would not be less.

On the other hand, Julio Spiegel, executive president and general manager of Cable & Wireless Panama, highlighted that "we are facing historical moments for the telecommunications sector and Panama does not escape it. We are consolidating ourselves as a highly competitive group in the region, with the firm commitment to transcend in unison in each of Liberty Latin America's operations. The installation in Panama of the Operations Center of Liberty Latin America will allow us to continue strengthening the profile of convergence that our country has to impact with



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No Panama 5G concession requests yet


Posted 28/05/2020

Panama’s telecommunications concession companies have not yet asked for permission to introduce the high tech fifth generation network, known as 5G says  The Public Services Authority (ASEP)

Nor has it been authorized by the entity to deploy towers, antennas, and equipment in the Republic of Panama.

According to an ASEP statement, " we want to send a message of tranquility to the public reiterating that 5G wireless networks are not operating in an  uthorized

manner in Panama ."

They add that the clarification is given because  of publications and comments made about the apprehensions and fears of the public locally and internationally regarding the deployment of this network.

A Study Group on 5G has been created in ASEP” that will be vigilant in the techno-scientific development of this type of technology and thus keep users informed”.

Panama, as part of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) , that is working on the identification of new harmonized frequency bands worldwide to guarantee that any technological development of 5G is carried out respecting environmental security and human health.

This technology enables consumers to have higher data rates and promises superior capacity, increasing the efficiency of networks, which is being designed to support future service



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