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  • Full Real Name:
    Phil Cogswell
  • Reason for registering:
    Have invested in Chirqui
  • Location of primary residence:
    Outside of Panama
  • Birth (home) country:

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  1. Hello, Just as I passed the thought off as folly I happened by a site where Rail road ties showed up. Now I have to have them or another wood log that I can shape to that general profile, 8.5 ft. Well suited to last in the ground. Any help greatly appreciated., I am near volcan rte 414 Thanks again
  2. Is there a decent prefab or modular company that you have heard of? I see a few websites out there and would guess as larger older companies that have a history, my only move now is to get info about who is and who is not a going to be a good experience. And Roger, a dream home I wish.. lol, not so much for me, just a simple, nice and safe place to be and enjoy the beauty of life. thank you in advance
  3. Exellente! y muchas gracias Roger, . clear & calmly described issues and answers that I'll need. y tambien feliz nav y prospero nuevo para mi! I am considering perfab people out of PC at this time, even prior to reading the above good qualifiers.
  4. Thanks this at all helps a great deal Dav. I especially needed reminders on the severity of labor laws and general work habits. I can add this to my files and be aware, a bunch more in here is valuable... One question l have is where to find the water and electric guys and importantly when I can get either, I heard a sort of catch 22 is involved, in that you need a structure to get services.? Another one l have is on permit interaction. That is when I have septic and slab plans, I find the municipal engineer submit it, get it stamped & have the guy dig the holes do a perc and install within a week or so?
  5. Hi Dav I am happy to see your help is available for such a price. While researching a build outside volcan it becomes evident to me fleshing out of options will benefit by getting your input. To be on page l can share that l have good exp in the trades in the US. And need pointers a bit at a time Pana style and practices accordingly. Can you help out? maybe tell me who out this way is a good contact for a practical approach? Thank you. Phil
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