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  • Full Real Name:
    Esther Steitz
  • Reason for registering:
    Live and/or work in Chiriqui
  • Location of primary residence:
    In Chiriqui

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Although I agree this subject is sleazy and of little value to most people, please not more censorship and over-moderation. Chiriqui LIfe suffers from enough tweaking and fretting by the owners.
  2. Bud, it looks like all this information about "Chiriqui Times" is circa 2011 or am I missing something?
  3. Reynolds Wrap® always makes good head coverings when dealing with the General and the Doctor.
  4. Amazed that Gen. Stubblebine and Dr Laibow are still around: their activities in Volcan are legendary.
  5. Who's running the restaurant now? Is it still the American couple who live in one of the rentals?
  6. You should lock this topic, Mr. Huber. There is nothing productive here resulting in this tit-for-tat. CL publishes guidelines regarding the use of this website.
  7. The measure of a good community forum should be to offer a diverse mixture of people, subjects and opinions. Bud & Marcelyn have done a fine job of creating a wide ranging site allowing a multitude of topics and participants. There are already plenty of metrics to categorize us (Expert, Advanced, Member, Novice, Newbie) and each of us are clearly tattooed with posting numbers. I should have a right to flag people with inordinate participation just like you can judge me for only nominal reviews. Putting every entry through a "useful/helpful" filter will only lead to confining moderation, something which Lee invariably avoided. A free exchange of viewpoints should be preferable to a mutual admiration clique.
  8. It's pretty well know that Chiriqui Life is nothing like Ning. But Keith Woolford continues to dominate CL with what he thinks we want to see and hear (649 posts). In fact, only Walter seems more obsessed with his constant Ning comments. Funny how a couple Canadians can't resist lecturing everybody else with their philosophy of life.
  9. So, what are these "better things on which to spend one's time", Bud?
  10. What a naïve and foolish thing to say - like the protesters have an obligation to prove it to you Pat.
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