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John R Hampton

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Everything posted by John R Hampton

  1. Will continue with my once-a-day 81 mg Aspirin. My judgement is that the benefit outweighs the risk. Can't be afraid of every headline or article. Otherwise I'd live in bubblewrap.
  2. Yesterday turned into a long day for a lot of people. The very sad spectator death occurred around the time the Gran Cabalgata finally started at about 4:30 and added a further delay to the parade. By the end of the day I had to lead a group of riders returning home up Volcancito Road in the dark with a vehicle & flashing caution lights.
  3. Went into Boquete this afternoon to film the Gran Cabalgata scheduled for a 2:00 start (always a moving target). This year's horse parade included several Presidential candidates who wanted to 'meet and greet' the locals. Apparently too much 'glad-handing' occurred in Dolega which was the cause of our delay and by 4:00 the light levels were pretty much gone so I packed up. Still no start at 4:15 - - - a great sunny day lost. T I P
  4. No, you'll have to buy it upon arrival in those countries.
  5. Anybody know why construction appears to have stopped? Only a few cars at the main gate and workers parking across the street.
  6. Bonnie, (From Investopedia) - An impaired asset is a company's asset that has a market price less than the value listed on the company's balance sheet. Accounts that are likely to be written down are the company's goodwill, accounts receivable and long-term assets because the carrying value has a longer span of time for impairment. Upon adjusting an impaired asset’s carrying value, the loss is recognized on the company’s income statement. --------------------------------- "Conventional Generation" means an asset using conventional methods to generate electricity, i.e gas or coal
  7. Continuing to reward mediocre performance is a surefire way for organizations to remain "emerging" and if dealing with near-monopolies lower the standards a few more notches.
  8. Recent delivery interruptions from Fenosa and Cable Onda show a disregard for paying customers offering no prior warnings or post explanations and with no apparent consequences from regulating authorities.
  9. ARTIST LINEUP ARTIST LINEUP Boquete Jazz & Blues Festival 21~24 February 2019 NotSereyus
  10. Power on finally in Volcancito. Part of Naturgy's (gasNatural fenosa) new global strategy to show sympathy for the people of the Carolinas (but without actually being there).
  11. Don't know of anybody in Boquete who can make a new Toyota key but your best bet is Gustavo Aruz in David Alarmas Gustavo 6672-8408 774-5017 gustavoarauzdelcid@hotmail.com http://www.alarmasgustavo.net Son, Eduardo, speaks English
  12. The longer local markets use the old brand name (gasNaturalfenosa) the longer it will take for people to recognize with the new name (Naturgy). It is not necessary for corporate HQ to change their actual local web addresses but they should be transitioning to the new graphics on the country home pages. The process of successful global name change is not easy and will take a very long time. Spain may have such a plan. Let's see.
  13. Nope, that's their Corporate website which you would expect to be up to date. I'm talking about the Local website here in Panama. https://www.oficinavirtual.gasnaturalfenosa.com.pa Probably not in our lifetime . . .
  14. Window dressing on cracked glass. Let's see how long it takes for Naturgy to show up on their website, stationary and store signage. I would have just accepted reliable delivery.
  15. Interesting how 'police-station chat' is being used as a reason for inappropriate comments - - - must be like 'locker-room talk'. And nobody is claiming that "this stuff" doesn't happen or that "stuffing him in the fridge isn't new here". Making snide, smart aleck remarks for a laugh is the offensive issue.
  16. Keith This was a morbid tragedy with no place for tasteless mockery - - - you deserved the 'Down Vote'. Can't image how you would have reacted if somebody else had gone for the cheap joke. Stay off the low road.
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