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Mujer que vendía droga fue condenada a 80 meses   {Eighty Months in Prison for Selling Pot}

A woman in San Miguelito pled guilty and was sentenced to 80 months for selling marijuana yesterday. A search of her home had turned up $126.40 and less than 2 ounces of the stuff.

Seems like overkill in a country where tonnes of harder drugs pass through or around every day.


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Pot smoking and sale may be punished harshly in Panama, but not so Uruguay. This is a dramatic contrast.


Uruguay’s Pharmacies Ran Out of Government Marijuana within Hours on First Day of Legal Sales

By Tom on July 26, 2017 in News from Panama
Post Views: 23



Uruguay became the first country in the world to allow the sale of marijuana for recreational use in pharmacies. But on the very first day it became available in stores, the product ran out in all pharmacies and the registration system collapsed.

The demand on the first day of sales — this Wednesday, July 19 — in addition to problems with the fingerprinting system, created long lines at the 16 pharmacies selling the marijuana.

“I knew it would take a while because everyone was going to want it on the first day. I’m very excited about this situation,” said Lucila, 19, who waited almost two hours in line to buy the product. “Many people fought for this, this is something people marched for, to stop seeing marijuana as a taboo. It can be used medicinally and can be regularized.”

“The sales are barbaric … As soon as we unlock, we are out of the product,” said Esteban Riveira, owner of the Pitágoras pharmacy at the corner of Alberto Zum Felde and Pitágoras in Malvín Norte.

The location received 50 packages to sell on the first day, and within a couple of hours they had only 16 left.

Sebastián Scaffo, owner of the Tapié pharmacy in Pueblo Viejo, explained that the pharmacy has a sales cap of two kilograms, which is equivalent to 400 packages. Each person can buy a maximum of two packages.

As of Tuesday, July 19, 4,959 recreational marijuana purchasers have been registered, as well as 6,948 growers and 63 membership clubs — a figure that is still far from the 60,000 consumers the government reportedly plans to reach with this initiative.

The five-gram package costs US $6.53, and the gram of non-medical marijuana costs US $1.30. It’s exempt from all taxes, which also makes it more attractive for consumers.

Sources: El Observador; La Nación; El País.  Karina Martin

Thomas H. Brymer II
Edited by Bonnie
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When we were in Uruguay last year it was legal but, only sold in cannabis stores. It was legalized in 2013. Tourist were not allowed to buy it. But you could buy rolling papers or a pipe for almost the same cost of buying the pot and the store owner was legally allowed to give you the cannabis as a gift. Crazy. Smoking it open in public is legal as well. They also have clinics available where people can go and do other drugs legally.

In Medellin, we also saw many young folks openly smoking pot in public. It will just be a matter of time and Panama will legalize it as well.

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6 hours ago, Keith Woolford said:

We saw several people smoking in public in Medellin.  Apparently consumption and possession of reasonable amounts for personal use are not illegal in Colombia, either.

Yes is it legal in Colombia as follows:

Since 1994, cannabis has been legalized for possession of small amounts up to 22 grams for personal consumption. In 2016, The Supreme Court of Justice stated that someone who is caught with a greater amount than the statutory limit cannot be criminally prosecuted if it is found that the person carries the substance to satisfy their own consumption needs.[53] It is legal to possess up to twenty plants for personal consumption.

While I have more than enough vices of my own, this is not one of them.   For my friends who count this among their pleasures/vices, there is a list by country as to what is legal and what is illegal for for pot.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legality_of_cannabis_by_country


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Moderator comment: Both cases reported so far in the topic were in San Miguelito, which is a city of almost 300,000 in the Panama Province. The below news article title was augmented (in blue text).



74-year-old woman drug dealer and daughter jailed [for 56 months]

The captured retail stock

A 74-YEAR-OLD woman was jailed for five years, and her daughter aged 53, to 56 months for running  a  retail  drug business in San Miguelito.

Noemí Berrio Arguelles and her daughter Saldaña Berrio pleaded guilty  on Wednesday, August 9, after  reaching a penalty  agreement providing reduced sentences.

The women were apprehended in an anti-drug operation, “La Abu”, by  the National Anti-Drug Directorate, in order to confirm information obtained through community denunciation.

The drug sale center was  near the soccer field in the  Belisario Porras district, district of San Miguelito. The women  were selling  marijuana and cocaine.



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  • Moderator_02 changed the title to Very Long Prison Sentences for the Selling of Illegal Drugs

Three people dumb guys were apprehended today near the Rio Fonseca in Chiriqui hauling drugs in an Ambulance belonging to the CSS, Caja de Seguro Social, of Sona.

Meanwhile near the capital, the Police were putting the torch to over 10 tons of drugs confiscated since June.



Edited by Keith Woolford
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