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The Cortizo Administration and Its Legacy; Insider Corruption; "Butt-Kissing" Advisors; Incompetence; Indifference; etc.

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This topic appears to be directly related to and a rapid reaction to the recent government purchases at bloated prices that led to the quick resignation of Vice Minister Juan Carlos Muñoz. Click Here to see the other referenced topic.

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When solidaity means “only for me”

Posted 21/05/2020

ACCOUNTABILITY builds trust. And in these times of crisis, in which every dollar means saving a life or feeding a family, transparency is imperative. If the rulers had as north to manage the State as a good father of a family, they would receive applause, instead of criticism. And we have seen much of the latter in these weeks of quarantine because the health and social crisis caused by the pandemic has not been the occasion for politicians to represent the interests of the community, but, on the contrary, many have turned the crisis in an opportunity to benefit themselves or their circle of interest. Many of the purchases that were made appeared noble, altruistic ends, but that citizen who is at home has only scratched the surface to discover with horror that what was advertised as a collective benefit was, at the same time, gross profits for a few. The most pronounced word of many politicians in this crisis was "solidarity", but in private, it was "only for me". There is still time to use State funds with moderation and prudence, bearing in mind that they have a legal, moral and electoral obligation to do so with transparency.- LA PRENSA. May 21.



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Procurador de la Administración acoge denuncia contra Sabonge por rechazo de donación de hospital


Rafael Sabonge. TR

Odalis Núñez

El procurador de la Administración, Rigoberto González acogió la denuncia contra el ministro de Obras Públicas de Panamá, Rafael Sabonge.

Esto, por la decisión del Gobierno Nacional de no haber aceptado una propuesta de "donación" de la empresa China Construcción América (CCA), para convertir temporalmente el Centro de Convenciones de Amador en un hospital de nivel 1 (observación) para pacientes con COVID-19, y en su lugar decidió construir el Hospital Integrado Panamá Solidario. 

Esta determinación consta en la Resolución N° DS-101-2020 suscrita por el procurador de la administración el jueves del 21 de mayo, luego que el pasado 18 de mayo, el abogado Ernesto Cedeño presentó la denuncia.

El documento establece también “ iniciar las acciones necesarias y realizar las diligencias preliminares y medidas que se consideren convenientes, a fin de procurar que se esclarezcan los hechos denunciados por el Dr. Ernesto Cedeño, de la Firma Forense Estudio Juridico Cedeño”.

Asimismo, la Procuraduría remitió copia certificada del escrito de la denuncia y copia autenticada de la presente resolución al ministro Sabonge, para que rinda un informe explicativo sobre los hechos descritos en la acusación presentada.


Recorrido del ministro de Obras Públicas de Panamá, Rafael Sabonge junto al presidente de la República, Laurentino Cortizo por el hospital modular

Por su parte, el Despacho Superior del MOP recibió este viernes 22 de mayo, un documento solicitando le remita a la Procuraduría de la Administración un informe explicativo de  7 preguntas, en el término de cinco (5) días, sobre los hechos relacionados en la mencionada denuncia.

Entre estos ¿Exitió una propuesta de parte de la empresa China Construcción América (CCA), detallando cómo se haría la adecuación del Centro de Convenciones de Amador, para transformarlo en un hospital modular -nivel 1 para atender a pacientes de COVID-19? 

-Copia del escrito donde el MOP consulta al Ministerio de Salud sobre la citada propuesta de la empresa CCA.

-Copia del informe en el que aparecen las razones por las que se decidió utilizar hoteles para albergar a los pacientes leves.

-Informe del MOP sobre la licitación del Hospital Integrado Panamá Solidario.


Hospital Integrado Panamá Solidario

La Procuraduría de la Administración deberá agotar la investigación en un término no mayor de dos (2) meses y absolver el mérito de la misma dentro de los treinta (30) días siguientes a la fecha que quede agotada la investigación respectiva, conforme lo preceptúa el artículo 88 de la Ley N°38 de 31 de julio de 2000.


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Administration Attorney accepts complaint against Sabonge for refusal of hospital donation


Rafael Sabonge. TR

Odalis Núñez • May 22, 2020 - 01:49 PM

The attorney for the Administration, Rigoberto González accepted the complaint against the Minister of Public Works of Panama, Rafael Sabonge.

This, due to the decision of the National Government not to have accepted a "donation" proposal from the company China Construction America (CCA), to temporarily convert the Amador Convention Center into a level 1 hospital (observation) for patients with COVID -19, and instead decided to build the Panama Solidario Integrated Hospital.

This determination is recorded in Resolution No. DS-101-2020 signed by the administration attorney general on Thursday, May 21, after lawyer Ernesto Cedeño filed the complaint on May 18.

The document also establishes "to initiate the necessary actions and to carry out the preliminary steps and measures deemed appropriate, in order to ensure that the facts denounced by Dr. Ernesto Cedeño, of the Forensic Law Firm Cedeño, are clarified."

In addition, the Office of the Attorney General sent a certified copy of the complaint document and an authenticated copy of this resolution to Minister Sabonge, so that he may render an explanatory report on the events described in the accusation presented.


Tour of the Minister of Public Works of Panama, Rafael Sabonge with the President of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo around the modular hospital

For its part, the Superior Office of the MOP received this Friday, May 22, a document requesting that it send the Administration Prosecutor an explanatory report of 7 questions, within five (5) days, on the events related to the mentioned complaint.

Among these, did a proposal from the company China Construction America (CCA), detailing how the adaptation of the Amador Convention Center, to transform it into a modular hospital-level 1 to serve COVID-19 patients?

-Copy of the document where the MOP consults the Ministry of Health on the aforementioned proposal from the CCA company.

-Copy of the report that shows the reasons why it was decided to use hotels to house mild patients.

-MOP report on the tender for the Integrated Hospital Panama Solidario.


Panama Solidario Integrated Hospital

The Administration Attorney's Office must exhaust the investigation in a term not exceeding two (2) months and absolve the merit of the investigation within thirty (30) days after the date that the respective investigation is exhausted, as required by the Article 88 of Law No. 38 of July 31, 2000.


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Datos abiertos para evitar la corrupción

El acceso a la información es una de las principales herramientas para acabar con la opacidad en la gestión de lo público, plantea organismo de la OEA.
Eliana Morales Gil
23 may 2020 - 10:37 PM


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Los módulos del hospital de Albrook, el espinoso tema que genera silencio

Un exdirector de Contrataciones Públicas opina que la Contraloría debe auditar la obra. Mientras, el ministro de Obras Públicas dice que responderá hoy.
Ereida Prieto-Barreiro
23 may 2020 - 12:00 AM


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Panama President gets media broadsides


Posted 22/05/2020

Panama President Laurentino got blasts from both of the country’s journalism associations and from La Prensa, on Friday, May 22,  following a taxpayer-funded government advertisement decrying attempts to get answers on profligate spending lining the pockets of a few with “connections”. La Prensa, an erstwhile supporter of many of the president’s actions, published a front page editorial on Friday  May 22. The editorial reads"

IF THERE IS a government victim during this pandemic, that has been transparency. It is not a fact that this newspaper has only discovered since many citizens have investigated on their own account the purchases managed under this tragedy. The findings are multiple and shocking.

With deep concern we are witness to practices that we thought had been overcome, those in which a business was made out of every need. There are too many similarities between the negotiated then and what is now emerging. But what is worse, the authorities, instead of clarifying, have resorted to the script used during the worst looting that Panama suffered since democracy recovered, the one that is marked by the threat to the independent media and the discredit campaigns against the brave citizens who remain vigilant.

Mr President, this message is for you. Those of us who still want to believe in your promises of "Good Government" do not accept that accountability comes this way, with paid notices and vulgar smear campaigns. Clear, complete, and document-backed responses suffice.

Your government today undertook a defense strategy of very sad remembrance: to attack the credibility of this medium and to do so with public funds. On the sidewalk he has applauded the same man who used it mercilessly while looting public coffers. Do not follow his example.

When the first year of management has not yet come to an end, President Cortizo, we want to think that your team has been poorly advised and that the enormous responsibility for this crisis has given rise to an impetuous reaction.

This propaganda, far from clarifying, has raised more questions. Or is it that they believe that alleging, in an announcement, that "the Executive has not spent a single balboa to buy medical equipment from the Covid-19 budget [and that] the Executive has not made any purchase of medical equipment"? closes the investigation?

This medium has a mission to fulfill and will continue to do so. If instead of using the millions allocated to advertising and branding for ads of this nature, it were to give society true, detailed, pertinent and timely information, the Executive would win as much as the country. Using public funds to pretend to deny a journalistic investigation, instead of opening books and being transparent, is an abuse of power.

If you believe so, citizens, a very tortuous path awaits us, because those promises hid an authoritarian government with a renewed zero circle of corruption.

Without transparency, there is no good governance



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Ministro Sabonge sobre denuncia en caso del hospital modular: ‘Daré debida respuesta’

José González Pinilla
23 may 2020 - 11:42 AM


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OPINION: Nothing wrong What’s to hide?


Modular Hospital,Panama

Posted 23/05/2020

The challenge presented to Latin American countries by the Covid-19 pandemic fueled some of the worst instincts of governments in the region. The Organization of American States has made a direct call to the Latin American authorities to promote transparency and access to information. Unfortunately, in our America there are too many examples of officials and politicians denounced and investigated for corrupt actions in times of the pandemic. In the list we have ministers, and dozens of mayors and governors in different countries. The list lengthens with the claims of hapless peoples who are still waiting for a food bag or a relief voucher. There are protests that are not appeased because marginalized communities insist on asking for some type of financial assistance. This brings us to Panama: here the health part of the government response has been almost flawless; However, the opacity of the purchase of the modular hospital and other contracts begins to end the patience of public opinion. The logical conclusion is that if nothing wrong has been done, there is no reason to hide the information- LA PRENSA, May  23



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Ministro Sabonge: ¿Estructuras modulares de segunda?

El titular del MOP, Rafael Sabonge, dijo que no respondió preguntas porque ‘prefiero desmentir a que valides tu reportaje con una cita mía sacada de contexto’.
Ereida Prieto-Barreiro
25 may 2020 - 12:00 AM


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El Ministerio Público investiga el hospital modular de Albrook

Busca levantar un informe técnico que determine la calidad de la obra con peritos independientes, y con el apoyo de la Contraloría.
25 may 2020 - 11:15 PM


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Expertos advierten de irregularidades y de sobrecostos en hospital

14 ingenieros y arquitectos piden hacer un ‘peritaje independiente’ al hospital de Albrook. Les preocupa la salud y seguridad de pacientes y del personal médico.
Ereida Prieto-Barreiro
02 jun 2020 - 10:32 PM


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OPINION:  The Corrupt Seek Impunity


The modular hospital

Posted 02/06/2020

THE REVELATIONS about the tender for the modular hospital oblige the Minister of Public Works to explain in detail all the elements of the contracting process and the construction of that work. The expressions of the executive director of the Turkish company involved by one of the bidders indicate the possible commission of serious crimes that can be prosecuted ex officio.

The time for word games and press conferences is over with no opportunity for questioning questions. Panama needs to know the truth and to clarify everything about this project that has caused so much controversy and is not yet in use. The new circle zero has to understand that they must end their agendas of manipulation and misrepresentation, which defame and harass social communicators.

Enough of the veiled intimidation against those who fight day by day for freedom of expression and information. We all know that what the corrupt seek is impunity, nullifying the action of justice and the silence of the critics, intimidating and insulting journalists and civil society. The government of President Cortizo must choose which side and with whom it wants to be. Silence is not an answer. Sooner or later, the truth will be known.- LA PRENSA, June 2.



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Exigen al Presidente que separe a ministros Sabonge y Carrizo

Cortizo dijo que los ministros Rafael Sabonge, y José Gabriel Carrizo, no se irán de su equipo de Gobierno. Sociedad civil cuestiona.
Aminta Bustamante
04 jun 2020 - 12:00 AM


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‘Materiales de baja calidad’ se habrían usado en el hospital modular

La Fundación Conciencia Ciudadana rechazó “la forma turbia, confusa y poco transparente” de cómo se manejó la contratación de SmartBrix. Más empresas denuncian posibles sobrecostos.
Ereida Prieto-Barreiro
04 jun 2020 - 12:00 AM



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Calls for firing of high profile ministers


Cortizo and Carrizo in happier times

Posted 04/06/2020

Leaders of political parties, business leaders and civil society,  are calling for that President Cortizo hold two senior ministers accountable for  scandals linked to the pandemic crisis.

“If in normal times we demand transparency, now more. We demand transparency in purchasing processes to deal with the pandemic. The Public Ministry must initiate investigations with the slightest suspicion of an act of corruption and whoever falls if it is found  to be true, "said Panama’s  Chamber of Commerce, chaired by Jean Pierre Leignadier.

Carlos Barsallo, president of the Panamanian chapter of Transparency International, said that for an investigation to be objective, it is necessary to have all the necessary information and to do it freely and independently, and that would imply separation the position of the investigated official.

The issue arises after Cortizo said that he would make changes to his Cabinet, but that neither José Gabriel Carrizo Minister of the Presidency, nor  Public Works Minister Rafael Sabonge, will leave.

Sabonge managed the construction - in one month - of the Panama Solidario modular hospital, which cost $ 6.9 million, without equipment. The work was delivered on April 16, and since then, the Public Ministry opened an investigation ex officio and the Administration's attorney, Rigoberto González,He has received two complaints against this minister: one because he rejected a proposal by a Chinese consortium to convert tion the Amador convention center in a temporary hospital with a thousand beds; and another, for the alleged use of second-rate structures in the construction of the hospital. While Carrizo has been under scrutiny because his ministry managed the purchase of fans with up to 900% surcharge. The transaction fell after the cost was exposed. The Ministry of the Presidency was in charge of managing the millionaire funds from the health crisis, but, due to questions, the matter was transferred to the Ministry of Health, the portfolio that leads the strategy against the pandemic.

José Isabel Blandón, president of the  Panamenista Party, said that loyalty to the country cannot be compromised by a "misunderstood" loyalty to a couple of ministers.

Credibility, he said, must be the President's main asset in running the country, and recent corruption scandals have significantly affected that credibility.

Ricardo Lombana, president of Otro Camino Panamá, said that the country has been awaiting accountability for more than a month. "To support the ministers in question is to protect them.”

Rómulo Roux, president of the Democratic Change party,. "I agree that due process and the presumption of innocence must be respected. But I ask the President to honor his commitment to transparency and accountability. Only in this way can he regain the confidence and credibility he needs to help move the country forward, "

José Ramos Reyes, secretary-general of the Popular Party, warned that the President "is burning" along with those ministers. “

The Panamanian Association of Business Executives, led by Mercedes Eleta de Brenes, has advocated "full transparency" and accountability by all state institutions in the midst of the emergency.

innocence presumption
However,  says La Prensa amid the questions, Cortizo clings to the presumption of innocence and evidence. "I believe in due process and the presumption of innocence, and I don't like to point anyone out without proof. I am not going to change those two ministers

Political analyst Edwin Cabrera, said "For me politically it is a mistake because the one with the political capital is the President. No one voted for any minister in this country, people voted for the candidate for president; And in doing so, he depletes his political capital. And why is it important that he take care of his political capital

Political scientist Richard Morales, said Cortizo has the responsibility of demanding accountability at the slightest indication against a member of the government. “Not doing so, being the immediate superior of those involved, is complicity with corruption.“



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OPINION: Saving the president’s credibiliy


Posted 04/06/2020

The President of the Republic confirmed that his two most questioned ministers would not be replaced. In this way, he shielded them with his own political capital, despite the fact that there are too many doubts and questions about the purchase of ventilators, and the construction of a modular hospital. Hiding in the absence of evidence, or in that the State has not yet made all the payments is a mere deviation.

Political responsibility is not equivalent to criminal responsibility. Previously, other questions caused several members of the Cabinet to leave their positions. This exposes the mentality of young ministers, who prefer that the president's mandate lose credibility, to give it a break by voluntarily separating from their positions. This painful situation puts Panama under the spotlight of the world, that they will once again "confirm" their perception that opacity and impunity reign here. In the Latin American neighborhood there are many examples of public servants who have withdrawn from power to avoid damage to the image of the country and the president. That is an example to be emulated. -LA PRENSA June 4




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Continúa pugna por el valor del hospital modular de Albrook

Ereida Prieto-Barreiro
09 jun 2020 - 12:00 AM


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Comptroller fails to endorse  troubled modular hospital contract


Posted 10/06/2020

Panama’s  Comptroller General, Gerardo Solís, has refused to endorse the contract between the Ministry of Public Works (MOP) and the  SmartBrix Centroamérica,  company for the construction of the trouble shrouded Albrook modular hospital, for patients with coronavirus.

The contract was returned to MOP on Monday, June 8.

"There are economic, technical and inspection aspects that must be specified by the MOP, during this stage of evaluation of the administrative procedure for the improvement of the contractual intention," said the Comptroller.

Sabonge , and the president of SmartBrix, Nitesh Mayani  signed  the  contract  for $6.9 million. And it was was sent to the Comptroller's Office, for endorsement.

Sabonge, who on Wednesday toured with deputies at the modular hospital, said that the Comptroller's decision "is normal" in this type of procedure. “Maybe they require a little more additional information, which is what they are working on. It is typical in this matter of public contracting ”, he added.

"In each of the public contracts, that is the supervisory role of the Comptroller. Each of these public contracts that is made then normally comes with corrections that normally must be corrected by the institution, "he said.

The modular hospital was built in a month and was delivered to the Ministry of Health (Minsa) on April 16.

The anti-corruption prosecution opened an ex officio investigation and the Administration's attorney, Rigoberto González , received two complaints against Sabonge: one, for having rejected the donation of a Chinese company to turn the Amador convention center into  a hospital temporary hospital with 1,500 beds, and another, for the alleged use of recycled modules in the construction of the hospital.

Sabonge said Wednesday that SmartBrix has not charged "a dollar" because the contract has not been endorsed.

The modular hospital was built in a month and was delivered to the Ministry of Health (Minsa) on April 16.

The anti-corruption prosecution opened an ex officio investigation and the Administration's attorney, Rigoberto González, received two complaints against Sabonge: one, for having rejected the donation of a Chinese company to turn the Amador convention center in a hospital temporary with 1,500 beds, and another, for the alleged use of recycled modules in the construction of the hospital.



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Clouds linger over modular hospital


Posted 12/06/2020

The fundamental action of the State is to guarantee the lives of citizens. This, however, does not preclude questioning the tender procedure and the construction of the modular hospital, which enters into service without the endorsement of the Comptroller General of the Republic. Public opinion faces a series of doubts about the peculiar participants in the hospital tender; the entanglement of the Turkish company, whose owner said he did not know about the project and that its prices were inflated, and, of course, if the modules used to build the hospital were the discards of a port in Costa Rica.

The haze worsens because the Minister of Public Works refuses to explain. Other aspects of the project shake the citizenry: that if the occupation permit has a lower value than the tender, or if the ventilators that equip the hospital are of recent manufacture. Despite all this, we Panamanians hope that the facility will serve its patients and contribute to the fight against Covid-19. Could it be that justice will tell us why it was done wrong, if it could be done well? -LA PRENSA, June 12



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Procurador González investiga 8 denuncias contra funcionarios relacionadas con la pandemia


El procurador de la administración, Rigoberto González. TR

Catherine Perea

El procurador de la administración, Rigoberto González ha tramitado 8 expedientes por denuncias contra funcionarios por supuestas irregularidades en procesos relacionados con la pandemia del COVID-19.

Estas denuncias contienen supuestas conductas que se relacionan con sobrecostos para la adquisición de artículos, ventas de títulos valores, irregularidades en licitaciones y aplicación de normas legales, incumplimientos de deberes y acosos laboral.

Una de estas investigaciones guarda relación con el Hospital Modular Panamá Solidario.

González acogió una denuncia contra el ministro de Obras Públicas, Rafael Sabonge, luego que trascendió que el Gobierno rechazó una propuesta de una empresa china para convertir temporalmente el Centro de Convenciones de Amador en un hospital de nivel 1 para pacientes con COVID-19.

De acuerdo con el procurador González, dentro de esta investigación, se han solicitado varios informes al Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Autoridad de Turismo y el Ministerio de Salud, y pidió a la Sociedad Panameña de Ingenieros y Arquitectos una información adicional.

El procurador de la Administración también investiga supuesto incumplimiento de las normas de transparencia en relación con la propuesta de venta de títulos valores del subsistema de beneficio definido del programa de Invalidez, Vejez, y Muerte (IVM) de la Caja de Seguro Social (CSS).

Se inició de manera oficiosa una investigación sobre posibles irregularidades que involucran a tres integrantes de la Junta Directiva de la CSS, quienes viajaron a México para conocer sobre el sistema de almacenamiento y distribución de medicamentos en instituciones públicas.

Además, se tramita una investigación por supuesto sobrecostos para la adquisición de mascarillas en el Hospital Santo Tomás. Sobre esta, González indicó que el presidente delegado del patronato de ese nosocomio deberá remitirle un informe detallado y explicativo sobre esa compra.

Se recibieron otras denuncias contra dos facultativos de la CSS por supuesta inobservancia en la atención de un paciente que falleció; una queja contra el director de relaciones públicas de la región metropolitana de Salud por presunto acoso laboral; una queja contra funcionarios del Minsa por presunta falta de sustento legal al levantar o mantener las restricciones sobre áreas comunes de propiedad horizontal, y una denuncia contra la dirección de Contrataciones Públicas, relacionada con el manual de procedimiento para compras en Estado de Emergencia.

Estas investigaciones preliminares tienen por objetivo acreditar elementos que permitan determinar si las mismas pueden llegar a constituir responsabilidad disciplinaria atribuible a algún servidor público.


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Attorney González investigates 8 complaints against officials related to the pandemic


The attorney for the administration, Rigoberto González. TR

Catherine Perea • Jun 12, 2020 - 05:34 PM

The administration's attorney, Rigoberto González has processed 8 files for complaints against officials for alleged irregularities in processes related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

These complaints contain alleged conduct related to cost overruns for the acquisition of items, sales of securities, irregularities in tenders and application of legal regulations, breaches of duties and workplace harassment.

One of these investigations is related to the Hospital Modular Panamá Solidario.

González accepted a complaint against the Minister of Public Works, Rafael Sabonge, after it emerged that the Government rejected a proposal by a Chinese company to temporarily convert the Amador Convention Center into a level 1 hospital for patients with COVID-19.

According to attorney González, within this investigation, several reports have been requested from the Ministry of Public Works, the Tourism Authority and the Ministry of Health, and asked the Panamanian Society of Engineers and Architects for additional information.

The Administration attorney also investigates alleged non-compliance with transparency regulations in relation to the proposed sale of securities of the defined benefit subsystem of the Disability, Old Age, and Death (IVM) program of the Social Security Fund (CSS).

An investigation was unofficially initiated into possible irregularities involving three members of the CSS Board of Directors, who traveled to Mexico to learn about the drug storage and distribution system in public institutions.

In addition, an investigation of alleged cost overruns for the acquisition of masks is being processed at the Santo Tomás Hospital. On this, González indicated that the president delegate of the board of trustees of that hospital must send him a detailed and explanatory report on that purchase.

Other complaints were received against two CSS physicians for alleged non-observance of the care of a patient who died; a complaint against the director of public relations of the metropolitan region of Health for alleged workplace harassment; a complaint against Minsa officials for alleged lack of legal support when lifting or maintaining restrictions on common areas of horizontal property, and a complaint against the direction of Public Procurement, related to the procedure manual for purchases in a State of Emergency.

These preliminary investigations have the objective of establishing elements that allow determining whether they may constitute disciplinary responsibility attributable to any public servant.



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OPINION:  Panama's Pyrrhic Victory


President Cortizp

Posted 24/06/2020

In "Essay on the abundance of fish", the author tells the story of a country experiencing an epidemic. At first, ministers take decisive action. They order quarantines, buy equipment, indebted the country, and distribute goods to compensate for the lack of income. The measures are applauded from overseas. A new tradition is established, the mass at 6:00 pm that citizens share in the community. Occasionally, the patriarch appears and warns that hard times are coming, although it takes 20 minutes to say so. A single team.

Three months later, it is discovered that there was more than one team and even different rules for the game. Some played with fans and modules, others called meetings in violation of their own provisions. The 68-day absolute quarantine turned out to be a Pyrrhic victory. At an enormous economic cost, the curve was flattened, but now the country is experiencing a more intense second wave. In response, the ministers, already without ideas, tired and disconnected from reality, rewind the cassette and play it again -LA PRENSA, June 24



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Rosario Turner deja el Gabinete en medio de la crisis por la pandemia

Cuando faltan pocos días para su primer año de gobierno, y luego de 107 días de crisis sanitaria por la Covid-19, Cortizo anunció vuelta de timón en tres ministerios: Salud, Desarrollo Social y Vivienda y Ordenamiento Territorial.
Eliana Morales Gil
25 jun 2020 - 12:58 AM


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Nuevo equipo de asesores responderá a Laurentino Cortizo

Ohigginis Arcia Jaramillo
26 jun 2020 - 12:00 AM


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