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Contract Cancellations and Investigations Related to Bloated Prices for Ventilators and Pandemic Medical Supplies; Calls for Transparency

Message added by Moderator_02

These postings were split out from the main Covid-19 topic because there are numerous postings and all related to the governmental acquisition process being misused (or possibly abused).

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Moderator comment: As a math major, numbers intrigue me. The overpriced face masks were a unit cost of $2.57, whereas the regular market price unit cost is $0.65, or approximately four times higher for the "expedited" face masks.


Sanction for  official who ordered overpriced face masks


Posted 24/04/2020

A 35-year veteran in the Comptroller General’s legislative office has been sanctioned for nearly paying through the nose for 7,000   disposable face masks for the National  Assembly.

She has been suspended for three days and the 7,000 masks she intended to acquire for a unit price of $2.50. will not be paid for until the “unfair” price is adjusted.

"The official, , was surprised in her good faith when making the decision under the pressure of the urgency necessary for the safety of deputies and administrative personnel,"  said the Comptroller's office on Thursday, April 24.

"Administrative corrections" were ordered so that this does not happen again.

In a statement, the Comptroller's Office says it expects the sanction to be "an example for the rest of the supervisors" and adds that they must remain firm in safeguarding the state's resources and that they try "not to succumb to pressure from any official or State organ.”.

The purchase, which was made by direct purchase had a total cost of $18,000  when adding taxes.

This type of mask that the Assembly acquired is the most common and commercialized and sold in boxes of 50. Medical and pharmaceutical companies Medimex, SA, are selling the masks for $32.50 per box.

The retail cost of 7,000 units would be $ 4550, plus the ITBS, a difference of $13,000 without tax reports  La Prensa.



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Contraloría suspende a funcionaria por compra de mascarillas en la Asamblea Nacional

La entidad fiscalizadora ordenó no realizar el pago de la compra hasta tanto se corrija el precio. La Asamblea compró 7,000 mascarillas a un precio unitario de $2.50

Por José Arcia

Los diputados usan mascarillas durante sus labores en la Asamblea Nacional. Cortesía

La Contraloría General de la República sancionó con tres días de suspensión de labores a la fiscalizadora de la entidad en la Asamblea Nacional por la compra de 7,000 mascarillas para el Órgano Legislativo.

Además, la institución no refrendará el pago “hasta tanto se ajuste el precio” de la compra. La Asamblea Nacional adquirió las mascarillas a un precio unitario de $2.50, lo que representa un costo total de $18,000, incluyendo el impuesto de ITBM.

La medida de la Contraloría surge, luego de las denuncias en los medios de comunicación por el sobreprecio de las mascarillas que triplicaban el costo de mercado.

En un comunicado, la Contraloría explicó que la funcionaria tenía 35 años de labor dentro de la entidad y que fue “sorprendida en su buena fe al tomar la decisión ante la presión de la urgencia necesaria para la seguridad de los diputados y personal administrativos de la Asamblea Nacional”.

La Contraloría espera que la sanción a los dos funcionarios sirva de ejemplo para el resto de los fiscalizadores para “mantenerse firme en la salvaguarda de los recursos y bienes de la Nación y no sucumbir ante lo rutinario, ni presiones de ningún funcionario u órgano del Estado”.

La entidad indicó que se ordenó realizar correctivos para esto no se repita.


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Comptroller suspends official for purchase of masks in the National Assembly

The supervisory entity ordered not to pay the purchase until the price is corrected. The Assembly purchased 7,000 masks at a unit price of $ 2.50

By José Arcia
Updated 04/24/2020 17:19

The deputies wear masks during their work in the National Assembly. Courtesy

The Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic sanctioned the entity's inspector in the National Assembly with a three-day suspension of work for the purchase of 7,000 masks for the Legislative Branch.

In addition, the institution will not endorse the payment "until the price is adjusted" of the purchase. The National Assembly purchased the masks at a unit price of $ 2.50, representing a total cost of $ 18,000, including the ITBM tax.

The measure of the Comptroller's Office arises, after the denunciations in the media for the overpricing of the masks that tripled the market cost.

In a statement, the Comptroller explained that the official had 35 years of work within the entity and that she was "surprised in her good faith when making the decision under pressure of the urgency necessary for the safety of the deputies and administrative personnel of the National Assembly".

The Comptroller's Office hopes that the sanction of the two officials will serve as an example for the rest of the inspectors to “stand firm in safeguarding the resources and assets of the Nation and not succumb to routine, or pressure from any official or State organ "

The entity indicated that it was ordered to carry out corrections for this not to be repeated.



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Empresa debe entregar ventiladores el 13 de mayo

Se trata de una carta de intención firmada por el gobierno a la empresa Muriba Company Inc., por $5.2 millones para la compra de 100 ventiladores

Por Adelita Coriat

Palacio de las Garzas.Archivo | La Estrella de Panamá

Aunque aún no exista una orden de compra oficial hasta el momento y solo se trate de una carta de intención, el gobierno está dispuesto a desembolsar $5.2 millones a la empresa Muriba Company Inc, para que en 10 días hábiles ponga en suelo panameño 100 ventiladores para pacientes de cuidados intensivos positivos por Covid-19.

El viceministerio de la Presidencia, Juan Carlos Muñoz, cotizó en forma directa los aparatos en al menos tres empresas, pero según una fuente de la entidad, aunque es verdad que ofrecían un precio más barato todos los consultados solicitaban hasta 90 días para la entrega en puertos distintos, un tiempo inútil para las urgentes necesidades de salud.

Se había pensado en otras órdenes de compra que entregarían los ventiladores en junio, pero los funcionarios de gobierno consideraron que para entonces sería muy tarde ante las necesidades que plantea la crisis que definen como un tema de vida o muerte. En épocas de paz, un ventilador con las características programadas, HP-300 marca Allied, podría oscilar entre $25 a $30 mil, tal como lo admitió el viceminsitro de la Presidencia en conferencia de prensa reciente. Sin embargo, por la urgencia con la que el gobierno requiere los equipos, el precio se eleva, responde a la regla de oferta y demanda.

"Hoy me entero que lo más seguro es que la empresa no pueda cumplir (con el tiempo propuesto) porque Estados Unidos no está dejando salir esos aparatos", indicó una fuente oficial.

"El problema no es la empresa ni la compra, son los ventiladores, es el equipo más preciado que existe en el mundo en este momento, todos los países están atrás de ellos. Todos los proveedores solicitaban un adelanto y esperaban entregar los ventiladores en tres o cuatro meses, cuando tal vez ya no serán necesarios", añadió la fuente oficial.

La compra fue manejada por Muñoz quien exigió a la empresa Muriba Company Inc., entregar antes del 13 de mayo los equipos según había solicitado la junta técnica, la carta de intención tiene fecha del 23 de abril,  según conoció este medio.

Muriba Company Inc., fue registrada en el Registro Público en 2005, y la última actualización de la junta directiva se realizó en julio de 2019, mediante la cual se nombró a Julio César Mendoza como director presidente, a Amor Iveth Ibáñez como secretaria, Fernando Iván Murillo como tesorero, Irma Lorena Murillo aparece como suscriptora, ésta última mantiene domicilio, según Registro Público, en la Torre Global Bank piso 12.

La sociedad anónima está facultada para hacer todo tipo de importaciones y exportaciones, así como tareas relacionadas al ramo de contrataciones y servicios de compra, alquiler y venta, facilidades crediticias, contratos etc.

Por otra parte, uno de los directivos de la empresa, Fernando Murillo es titular de la empresa constructora Fernando Murillo y Asociados que en agosto pasado, la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP) inhabilitó por un periodo de tres años para hacer contrataciones con el Estado a raíz de incumplimiento del contrato DNPC-389-2016 para la construcción del edificio para el laboratorio de estructuras de la universidad por un monto de $2,321, 242 para la cual tenía un periodo de 600 días a partir de noviembre de 2016.

La empresa presentó una apelación en tiempo oportuno ante el Tribunal de Contrataciones Públicas por la inhabilitación que hizo la UTP por tres años para participar en actos de selección de contratista ni celebrar contratos con el Estado mientras dure la inhabilitación.

Fernando Murillo y Asociados, el 30 de agosto de 2019, protocolizó un acta de junta directiva en la que otorgó poder a Julio Cesar Mendoza para administrar de manera individual o llevar a cabo en nombre de la sociedad contratos o actos de toda clase y descripción más específicamente pero sin limitarse a las facultades expresadas a saber: para recibir dinero, abrir y cerrar sucursales u oficinas en cualquier país del mundo, reclamar dinero s producto o cualquier otra cosa que se le pueda deber a la sociedad y extender los recibos correspondientes.

Este viernes durante la habitual conferencia de prensa de las fuerzas de tarea conjunta se dio a conocer la información por parte de Presidencia sobre la compra millonaria de los ventiladores, cada uno a un precio de $48,950.

El comunicado oficial no menciona el nombre de la empresa beneficiada, pero justifica el abultado monto aduciendo que los tiempos de paz en los que el aparato tenía un costo de 6 mil a 10 mil dólares quedaron atrás, y que la gran demanda por este tipo de equipos eleve su precio entre $25 mil y $30 mil. No obstante, la urgencia de contar con los aparatos en suelo panameño en 10 días, en vez de esperar 3 o 4 meses eleva a cada ventilador a $49,950.

La reacción de médicos especialistas sobre la supuesta adquisición se evidenció con incomodidad. El infectólogo Xavier Sáez Llorens colgaba en su cuenta "Ando intranquilo con el tema de la compra directa de ventiladores a precios excesivos; eso debe investigarse con rigurosidad; de lo contrario ruido mediático empaña el manejo transparente y técnico que realiza el Ministerio de Salud para combatir el Covid-19 de lo cual soy testigo independiente".

Y su colega Julio Sandoval, coordinador de Covid-19 en el Minsa, le respondió: me uno a tu preocupación. Hemos trabajado de manera incondicional y ad honorem al frente de esta pandemia evitando una tragedia en salud. Como parte del Comité Técnico Asesor del Minsa, solicitamos a la Presidencia una explicación detallada del proceso de compra de ventiladores", posteó el intensivista.

La presión en las redes obligó al Ministerio Público a iniciar una investigación de oficio sobre la millonaria compra y la Contraloría emitió un comunicado en el que indica que aún no ha recibido el contrato para refrendo, pero advierte que "ni siquiera una situación de emergencia nos exime de la responsabilidad de salvaguardar con transparencia el buen uso de los bienes y recursos del Estado", se lee en la nota de la Contraloría.


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Company must deliver fans on May 13

This is a letter of intent signed by the government to Muriba Company Inc., for $ 5.2 million for the purchase of 100 fans

By Adelita Coriat
Updated 04/25/2020 17:17

Palacio de las Garzas.Archivo | The Panama Star

Although there is still no official purchase order as of yet and it is only a letter of intent, the government is willing to disburse $ 5.2 million to Muriba Company Inc, so that in 10 business days it will put 100 fans on Panamanian soil to Covid-19 positive intensive care patients.

The vice-ministry of the Presidency, Juan Carlos Muñoz, directly quoted the devices in at least three companies, but according to a source from the entity, although it is true that they offered a cheaper price, all respondents requested up to 90 days for delivery in different ports, useless time for urgent health needs.

Other purchase orders to be delivered by fans in June had been considered, but government officials believed that by then it would be too late in the face of the needs posed by the crisis that they define as a matter of life and death. In times of peace, a fan with the programmed characteristics, HP-300 Allied brand, could range from $ 25 to $ 30 thousand, as admitted by the Vice Minister of the Presidency at a recent press conference. However, due to the urgency with which the government requires the equipment, the price rises, responding to the supply and demand rule.

"Today I find out that the safest thing is that the company cannot comply (with the proposed time) because the United States is not releasing these devices," said an official source.

"The problem is not the company or the purchase, it is the fans, it is the most precious equipment that exists in the world at the moment, all the countries are behind them. All the suppliers requested an advance and hoped to deliver the fans in three or four months, when perhaps they will no longer be necessary, "added the official source.

The purchase was handled by Muñoz who demanded that Muriba Company Inc. deliver the equipment before May 13, as requested by the technical meeting, the letter of intent is dated April 23, as reported by this media.

Muriba Company Inc., was registered in the Public Registry in 2005, and the last update of the board of directors was made in July 2019, whereby Julio César Mendoza was appointed as president director, Amor Iveth Ibáñez as secretary, Fernando Iván Murillo as treasurer, Irma Lorena Murillo appears as a subscriber, the latter maintains an address, according to the Public Registry, at the Global Bank Tower, 12th floor.

The corporation is empowered to do all kinds of imports and exports, as well as tasks related to the field of contracting and purchase, rental and sale services, credit facilities, contracts, etc.

On the other hand, one of the directors of the company, Fernando Murillo is the owner of the construction company Fernando Murillo y Asociados that last August, the Technological University of Panama (UTP) disabled for a period of three years to make contracts with the State as a result of breach of contract DNPC-389-2016 for the construction of the building for the university's structures laboratory for an amount of $ 2,321, 242 for which it had a period of 600 days from November 2016.

The company filed an appeal in due time before the Public Procurement Court for the disqualification made by the UTP for three years to participate in contractor selection acts or enter into contracts with the State for the duration of the disqualification.

Fernando Murillo y Asociados, on August 30, 2019, protocolized a board of directors act in which he granted power to Julio Cesar Mendoza to individually administer or carry out on behalf of the company contracts or acts of all kinds and more description specifically, but not limited to the powers expressed, namely: to receive money, open and close branches or offices in any country in the world, claim money for products or anything else that may be owed to society and issue the corresponding receipts.

This Friday, during the regular press conference of the Joint Task Forces, information was released by the Presidency about the millionaire purchase of the fans, each at a price of $ 48,950.

The official statement does not mention the name of the company benefited, but justifies the bulky amount, arguing that the times of peace in which the device had a cost of $ 6,000 to $ 10,000 were left behind, and that the great demand for this type of equipment raises its price between $ 25 thousand and $ 30 thousand. However, the urgency of having the devices on Panamanian soil in 10 days, instead of waiting 3 or 4 months, raises each fan to $ 49,950.

The reaction of medical specialists on the alleged acquisition was evident with discomfort. The infectologist Xavier Sáez Llorens hung in his account "I am uneasy about the direct purchase of ventilators at excessive prices; this must be rigorously investigated; otherwise, media noise tarnishes the transparent and technical management carried out by the Ministry of Health to combat the Covid-19 of which I am an independent witness. "

And his colleague Julio Sandoval, coordinator of Covid-19 at Minsa, replied: I join your concern. We have worked unconditionally and ad honorem at the forefront of this pandemic, avoiding a health tragedy. As part of the Minsa Technical Advisory Committee, we asked the Presidency for a detailed explanation of the fan purchase process, "the intensivist posted.

The pressure in the networks forced the Public Ministry to initiate an ex officio investigation into the millionaire purchase and the Comptroller's Office issued a statement indicating that it has not yet received the contract for endorsement, but warns that "not even an emergency situation exempts from the responsibility of transparently safeguarding the proper use of the State's assets and resources, "reads the note from the Comptroller.



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Gobierno suspende polémica compra de ventiladores

El anuncio se hizo en conferencia de prensa. El viceministro de la Presidencia estableció como causa, que la empresa no podría cumplir con su entrega en la fecha prevista

Por Redacción La Estrella de Panamá

Gobierno suspende polémica compra de ventiladores Archivo | La Estrella de Panamá
La compra de 100 ventiladores para pacientes de cuidados intensivos positivos con Covid-19 que el gobierno iba a realizar a la empresa Muriba Company Inc, por la que iba a desembolsar $5.2 millones, fue cancelada porque la empresa estableció que le sería imposible cumplir con el plazo de entrega, a 10 días, del preciado equipo.

El viceministerio de la Presidencia, Juan Carlos Muñoz, había realizado una cotización en forma directa de los aparatos en al menos tres empresas, pero según una fuente de la entidad, aunque es verdad que ofrecían un precio más barato, todos los consultados solicitaban hasta 90 días para la entrega en puertos distintos, un tiempo inútil para las urgentes necesidades de salud.

Se había pensado en otras órdenes de compra que entregarían los ventiladores en junio, pero los funcionarios de Gobierno consideraron que para entonces sería muy tarde ante las necesidades que plantea la crisis que definen como un tema de vida o muerte. En épocas de paz, un ventilador con las características programadas, HP-300 marca Allied, podría oscilar entre $25 y $30 mil, tal como lo admitió el viceministro de la Presidencia en conferencia de prensa reciente. Sin embargo, por la urgencia con la que el Gobierno requiere los equipos, el precio se eleva, responde a la regla de oferta y demanda.

“Hoy me entero que lo más seguro es que la empresa no pueda cumplir (con el tiempo propuesto) porque Estados Unidos no está dejando salir esos aparatos”, indicó una fuente oficial.

“El problema no es la empresa ni la compra, son los ventiladores, es el equipo más preciado que existe en el mundo en este momento; todos los países están atrás de ellos. Todos los proveedores solicitaban un adelanto y esperaban entregar los ventiladores en tres o cuatro meses, cuando tal vez ya no serán necesarios”, añadió la fuente oficial.

La compra fue manejada por Muñoz, quien exigió a la empresa Muriba Company Inc. entregar antes del 13 de mayo los equipos, según había solicitado la junta técnica. La carta de intención tiene fecha del 23 de abril, según conoció este medio.

La puesta de estos equipos en suelo panameño en 10 días, en vez de esperar 3 o 4 meses eleva el precio de cada ventilador a $49,950.

La reacción de médicos especialistas sobre la supuesta adquisición se evidenció con incomodidad. El infectólogo Xavier Sáez Llorens colgaba en su cuenta “Ando intranquilo con el tema de la compra directa de ventiladores a precios excesivos; eso debe investigarse con rigurosidad; de lo contrario ruido mediático empaña el manejo transparente y técnico que realiza el Ministerio de Salud para combatir el Covid-19 de lo cual soy testigo independiente”.

Y su colega Julio Sandoval, coordinador de Covid-19 en el Minsa, le respondió: me uno a tu preocupación. Hemos trabajado de manera incondicional y ad honorem al frente de esta pandemia evitando una tragedia en salud. Como parte del Comité Técnico Asesor del Minsa, solicitamos a la Presidencia una explicación detallada del proceso de compra de ventiladores”, posteó el intensivista.

La presión en las redes obligó al Ministerio Público a iniciar una investigación de oficio sobre la millonaria compra y la Contraloría emitió un comunicado en el que indica que aún no ha recibido el contrato para refrendo, pero advierte que “ni siquiera una situación de emergencia nos exime de la responsabilidad de salvaguardar con transparencia el buen uso de los bienes y recursos del Estado”, se lee en la nota de la Contraloría.

Durante la conferencia de prensa diaria por la pandemia, Muñoz explicó que la entrega del equipo no se podría dar en la fecha estipulada, razón por la cual se cancelaba la compra.

Se solicitó a las empresas interesadas a hacer sus propuestas.


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Government suspends controversial purchase of fans

The announcement was made at a press conference. The Vice Minister of the Presidency established as a cause that the company could not fulfill its delivery on the scheduled date

By Drafting The Star of Panama
Updated 04/26/2020 00:00

Government suspends controversial purchase of fans Archive | The Panama Star

The purchase of 100 ventilators for positive intensive care patients with Covid-19 that the government was going to make from the company Muriba Company Inc, for which it was going to disburse $ 5.2 million, was canceled because the company established that it would be impossible for it to comply with the delivery time, 10 days, of the precious equipment.

The Vice Ministry of the Presidency, Juan Carlos Muñoz, had made a direct price of the devices in at least three companies, but according to a source from the entity, although it is true that they offered a cheaper price, all respondents requested up to 90 days for delivery to different ports, useless time for urgent health needs.

Other purchase orders that fans would deliver in June had been considered, but government officials considered that by then it would be too late in the face of the needs posed by the crisis that they define as a matter of life and death. In times of peace, a fan with the programmed characteristics, HP-300 Allied brand, could range between $ 25 and $ 30 thousand, as admitted by the Vice Minister of the Presidency at a recent press conference. However, due to the urgency with which the Government requires the equipment, the price rises, responding to the supply and demand rule.

"Today I find out that the safest thing is that the company cannot comply (with the proposed time) because the United States is not releasing these devices," said an official source.

“The problem is not the company or the purchase, it is the fans, it is the most precious equipment that exists in the world at the moment; all countries are behind them. All providers requested an advance and expected to deliver the fans in three to four months, when perhaps they will no longer be necessary, "added the official source.

The purchase was handled by Muñoz, who required the Muriba Company Inc. to deliver the equipment before May 13, as requested by the technical board. The letter of intent is dated April 23, as this media learned.

Placing these equipment on Panamanian soil in 10 days, instead of waiting 3 or 4 months, raises the price of each fan to $ 49,950.

The reaction of medical specialists on the alleged acquisition was evident with discomfort. The infectologist Xavier Sáez Llorens posted on his account “I am uneasy about the direct purchase of ventilators at excessive prices; that must be rigorously investigated; otherwise media noise tarnishes the transparent and technical handling carried out by the Ministry of Health to combat Covid-19, of which I am an independent witness. ”

And his colleague Julio Sandoval, coordinator of Covid-19 at Minsa, replied: I join your concern. We have worked unconditionally and ad honorem at the forefront of this pandemic, avoiding a health tragedy. As part of the Technical Advisory Committee of the Minsa, we asked the Presidency for a detailed explanation of the fan purchase process, "the intensivist posted.

The pressure in the networks forced the Public Ministry to initiate an ex officio investigation into the millionaire purchase and the Comptroller's Office issued a statement indicating that it has not yet received the contract for endorsement, but warns that “not even an emergency situation exempts from the responsibility of transparently safeguarding the proper use of the State's assets and resources, ”the Comptroller's note reads.

During the daily press conference for the pandemic, Muñoz explained that the delivery of the equipment could not take place on the stipulated date, which is why the purchase was canceled.

Interested companies were asked to make their proposals.



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MP investiga compra de ventiladores, Contraloría revisará pago justo por prima de entrega


El Ministerio Público investiga de oficio compra de ventiladores. Ilustrativa EFE

Nimay González

El Ministerio Público (MP) de Panamá dio a conocer este sábado que ha dado inicio a una investigación de oficio con relación a la compra de ventiladores a través del Viceministerio de la Presidencia.

Detalla que la investigación se desarrollará por la presunta comisión de delito Contra la Administración Pública, luego de surgieran advertencias en medios de comunicación social sobre una posible afectación al patrimonio del Estado.

"De acuerdo a la información publicada el monto de la compra sería por el monto de B/. 5.2 millones, dentro de los actos de investigación el Ministerio Público solicita información a otras instituciones para conocer los detalles sobre el proceso de contratación, la empresa involucrada y los funcionarios a cargo de dicha compra. La investigación se realiza en base al Título Décimo, Capítulo Primero del Código Penal que regula las diferentes formas de peculado", explicó Ana Vázquez, Fiscal Adjunta Anticorrupción.

Según anunció el Gobierno Nacional, en los próximos diez días llegarán al país cien respiradores portátiles, explicando que debido a la crisis mundial por el nuevo coronavirus los precios han pasado de “6 mil y 10 mil balboas en tiempos de paz, a entre 25 mil a 30 mil balboas”, a lo cual agrega que Panamá pagará más de B/.48 mil por unidad, ya que ha solicitado un tiempo de entrega menor.

Por su parte, la Contraloría General de la República advirtió mediante un comunicado que el proceso de compra será auditado con la asistencia de las máximas autoridades encargadas de hacer cumplir la ley y el orden en el país de origen, incluyendo el costo de producción y de venta de esos ventiladores y los mecanismos de exportación, para garantizar a Panamá que solo se pague un precio justo y razonable.

Agrega que comprende que se intente pagar una prima por entrega inmediata frente a la urgencia que se requiere para garantizar los ventiladores artificiales a pacientes en estado crítico debido al COVID-19, sin embargo, por encima de las circunstancias, esa prima también será debidamente auditada para garantizar que no sea excesiva ni abusiva.

"La Contraloría comprende la urgencia de garantizar los ventiladores artificiales a pacientes en estado crítico, sin embargo, por la misión que compete a la Contraloría General de la República estamos convencidos de que entre, mejor se gestionen los fondos durante esta pandemia, el Órgano Ejecutivo podrá llevar soluciones a más panameños necesitados", enfatiza.

Además, la Autoridad Nacional de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información (Antai) informó que pedirá a la Presidencia de la República un informe explicativo sobre esta compra, los documentos que justifican la adquisición y el estatus en que se encuentra actualmente.

"Se hace esta solicitud para que la ciudadanía tenga la tranquilidad de saber cómo se están manejando los recursos en este estado de emergencia nacional... las acciones gubernamentales deben acompañar en este momento, la tenacidad de los trabajadores del sector salud, que están trabajando arduamente para garantizar la salud de todos los panameños", indicó la directora de Antai, Elsa Fernández, Directora.

Asimismo reiteró el llamado a las autoridades para que sean oportunos en la rendición de cuentas, recordando que el acceso a la información es un derecho fundamental de todos los ciudadanos y debe de garantizarse incluso en estado de emergencia nacional.

"La Ley 33 de 2013, da la facultad de contribuir a que la administración pública se ejecute en un marco de legalidad e integridad, en el que los derechos de los ciudadanos estén protegidos, siendo ellos los beneficiarios legítimos de la administración", indicó Fernández.


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MP investigates fan purchase, CGR will review fair payment for delivery premium


The Public Ministry investigates ex officio purchase of fans. Illustrative EFE

Nimay González • Apr 25, 2020 - 02:33 PM

The Public Ministry (MP) of Panama announced this Saturday that it has started an ex officio investigation regarding the purchase of fans through the Vice Ministry of the Presidency.

He details that the investigation will be carried out by the alleged commission of crime against the Public Administration, after warnings arose in the social communication media about a possible affectation to the State's heritage.

"According to the information published, the amount of the purchase would be in the amount of B /. 5.2 million. Within the acts of investigation, the Public Ministry requests information from other institutions to know the details of the contracting process, the company involved and the officials in charge of said purchase. The investigation is carried out based on Title Tenth, Chapter One of the Penal Code that regulates the different forms of embezzlement, "explained Ana Vázquez, Deputy Prosecutor for Anti-Corruption.

As announced by the National Government, in the next ten days one hundred portable respirators will arrive in the country, explaining that due to the world crisis due to the new coronavirus, prices have gone from “6 thousand and 10 thousand balboas in peacetime, to between 25 thousand to 30 thousand balboas ”, to which he adds that Panama will pay more than B / .48 thousand per unit, since it has requested a shorter delivery time.

For its part, the Comptroller General of the Republic warned in a statement that the purchase process will be audited with the assistance of the highest authorities in charge of enforcing law and order in the country of origin, including the cost of production and sale of these fans and export mechanisms, to guarantee Panama that only a fair and reasonable price is paid.

He adds that he understands that they try to pay a premium for immediate delivery in the face of the urgency that is required to guarantee artificial ventilators to critically ill patients due to COVID-19, however, regardless of the circumstances, that premium will also be duly audited. to ensure that it is not excessive or abusive.

"The Comptroller's Office understands the urgency of guaranteeing artificial ventilators to critically ill patients, however, due to the mission of the Comptroller General of the Republic, we are convinced that the better managed funds during this pandemic, the Executive Branch It will be able to bring solutions to more Panamanians in need, "he emphasizes.

In addition, the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information (Antai) reported that it will ask the Presidency of the Republic for an explanatory report on this purchase, the documents that justify the acquisition and the status it is currently in.

"This request is made so that citizens have the peace of mind of knowing how resources are being managed in this state of national emergency ... government actions must accompany, at this time, the tenacity of health sector workers, who are working hard to guarantee the health of all Panamanians, "said Antai's director, Elsa Fernández, Director.

He also reiterated the call to the authorities to be timely in accountability, recalling that access to information is a fundamental right of all citizens and must be guaranteed even in a state of national emergency.

"Law 33 of 2013, gives the power to contribute to the public administration being executed within a framework of legality and integrity, in which the rights of citizens are protected, being they the legitimate beneficiaries of the administration," said Fernández. .


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Ministerio Público abre caso por ventiladores; el proveedor retira su oferta

Mientras la Fiscalía Anticorrupción anunció el inicio de una investigación, la Presidencia atribuye el alto costo a la guerra comercial por los equipos. Dos empresas se ofrecen para hacer la compra.
Ohigginis Arcia Jaramillo
26 abr 2020 - 12:00 AM


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Investigation opened into  ventilator  buy


Posted 25/04/2020

Just hours after two advisors to the Ministry of Health (Minsa) on COVID-19  Tweeted on Saturday, April 25  their concerns over the near $50,000 price tag for each of 100 ventilators ordered by the Vice-Ministry of the Presidency.an ex officio investigation was started by the Public Ministry for an alleged crime against the administration.

The ventilators, to be used during the health crisis caused by the new coronavirus,  were ordered through the Vice-Ministry of the Presidency.

In the purchase, according to a tweet from the Public Ministry, "there is a possible affectation to the State's assets".

The Vice Minister of the Presidency, Juan Carlos Muñoz, who signed the letter of commitment to pay $5.2 million for the purchase of an amount of, explained that the acquisition of respirators was "crucial", since they represent the difference between life and death.

Also on Saturday afternoon, the National Authority for Transparency and Access to Information said  it will request an explanatory report on the possible purchase of one hundred respirators at a cost of $5.2 million.



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Virus advisors denounce $5.2 million price gouging for ventilators


Posted 25/04/2020

A day after an official of the Comptroller General’s office was sanctioned for ordering overpriced face masks a new storm erupted on Friday, April 24,  over a purchase of ventilators at $49,000 apiece when an investigation revealed they can be bought for less than $7,000. leaving the Ministry of the Presidency scrambling to provide answers.

The $5.2 million price tag for 100  ventilators first came to light when members of the  Technical Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Health (Minsa) in the fight against the coronavirus raised concerns on  Saturday, April 25, over the direct purchase, by the Ministry of the Presidency, of 100  Allied brand AHP-300 ventilators from the Muriba Company Inc.

The first to react was the dialectologist and pediatrician, Xavier Sáez-Llorens, who on his  Twitter account attacked the purchase  "at excessive prices". He asked  for an investigation   “because it tarnishes the transparent work carried out by Minsa to combat COVID19.”

A few minutes after Sáez-, intensive care specialist   Julio Sandoval, also part of the team, wrote: “I join your concern. We have worked unconditionally and ad honorem at the forefront of this pandemic, avoiding a health tragedy. "He closed his message asking for a detailed explanation of the purchase process from the Presidency.

The Vice Minister of the Presidency, Juan Carlos Muñoz, who signed the letter of commitment to pay for the purchase explained at a Friday, April 24 at a press conference that the acquisition of respirators is “crucial”, since they represent the difference between life and death.

In the commitment, the price agreed by per unit is $48,950. The purchase is covered by the decree of March 13, which declared ta state of national emergency, for the coronavirus. The quote was received on April 14.

The letter mentions that the devices must be delivered in 10 business days

In a statement, the Presidency mentioned that respirators are a commodity with the highest demand worldwide and that manufacturing companies are aware of this. For this reason, a portable respirator has gone from costing $6,000 and 10,000 to $25,000 and $ 30,000.


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Call for specialists to obtain   COVID-19  equipment after ventilator snafu


Juan Carlos Muñoz

Posted 26/04/2020

The price-gouging scandal linked to the purchasing of ventilators for use in Panama’s fight against the coronavirus pandemic has led members of the National COVID-19 Guidance  Commission to stress the need to create a medical-scientific committee to evaluate the acquisition of supplies and equipment to face the crisis. 

The reaction comes after the Ministry of the Presidency planned to purchase 100 AHP-300 ventilators for $5.2 million from the  Muriba Company, Inc.

The Commission says  that it is imperative to avoid improperly consulted and not advised purchases, "as has clearly happened in this case, since they are not directed at the real needs of patients."

The government is urged to approve a decree ordering the formation of an Ad Honorem Scientific Committee made up of five medical and scientific professionals with related and relevant specialties who are in charge of analyzing this type of acquisition. of supplies and equipment taking into account guidelines of Transparency International.

Wrong type

The Guidance Committee document, signed by 62 doctors highlighted that the overpriced ventilators were not the ones that will be needed by most of the patients who require assisted ventilation but continuous support ventilators, whose use may be required for weeks or months on a constant basis by the same patient," the document specifies.

After the controversy over the purchase, the Vice Minister of the Presidency, Juan Carlos Muñoz,  who struggled  to justify the purchase at a Saturday, April 25  press conference reported that the  company had canceled the sale sale "due to world demand " He invited any supplier watching the TV transmission able to offer a better price to call,

Health Minister Rosario Turner said that two smartphone  calls were received during the transmission.



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El gran negocio de las mascarillas en tiempos de emergencia

El Hospital Santo Tomás, la CSS, el Instituto de Mercadeo Agropecuario y el SUME compraron el mismo insumo, pero a precios totalmente distintos.
Ereida Prieto-Barreiro
26 abr 2020 - 11:13 PM


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Propuestas para suministrar ventiladores llegan a Turner a través de WhatsApp

Urania Cecilia Molina
27 abr 2020 - 12:00 AM


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I do not follow how a Legal Firm turned procurer of window and window frames...and unfinished laboratories,  becomes the "go-to" shop for necessary ventilators.  I know this is now under scrutiny and will not fly.  But it seems to me there exists some enlarged gonads on this one.   (medical term)

Alison, nurse 

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Juan Muñoz presenta su renuncia al cargo de viceministro de la Presidencia


Linda Batista

El viceministro de la Presidencia, Juan Carlos Muñoz, presentó su renuncia al presidente de la República de Panamá, Laurentino Cortizo.

Esto luego que el Ministerio Público iniciara una investigación por la compra de ventiladores a precios exorbitantes a través del Viceministerio de la Presidencia.




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Juan Muñoz presents his resignation to the post of Vice Minister of the Presidency


Linda Batista • Apr 27, 2020 - 04:06 PM

The Vice Minister of the Presidency, Juan Carlos Muñoz, presented his resignation to the President of the Republic of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo.

This after the Public Ministry began an investigation into the purchase of fans at exorbitant prices through the Vice Ministry of the Presidency.



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Cortizo acepta la renuncia del viceministro de la Presidencia

Manuel Vega Loo
27 abr 2020 - 04:23 PM


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Renuncia viceministro que gestionó ventiladores


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Exigen mayor transparencia en las contrataciones públicas

Ha ocurrido en la Presidencia, en la Asamblea, en la CSS y en otras instituciones: Compras de insumos médicos a precios mucho más altos que los usuales generan dudas. Piden explicaciones.
Olmedo Rodríguez C.
27 abr 2020 - 10:56 PM
Jorge Juan de la Guardia, presidente de la Cámara de Comercio, Industrias y Agricultura de Panamá, dijo que preocupa que “el esfuerzo titánico realizado en el combate contra la COVID- 19 se ponga en entredicho, y la confianza ciudadana en esa lucha se vea quebrantada por procesos de adquisición cuestionados por falta de transparencia”.
A su vez, el Movimiento Independiente por Panamá (Movin), planteó que las compras de insumos y equipos médicos pagadas con fondos públicos deben ser publicadas en una página web, que además tenga un formato de datos abiertos.


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After  ventilator fiasco, president demands transparency

Posted 27/04/2020

In the wake of mounting reports of rash spending by government entities under cover of the pandemic  National  Emergency, President, Laurentino Cortizo,  on Monday, April 27  called to the Public Ministry, the Comptroller General and the Judicial Branch to act to guarantee transparency in the use of public funds.

In his Twitter account, he  wrote  that " transparency and accountability in the use of public funds in a pandemic or normal times", strengthens the certainty of punishment  adding  that: "control institutions have to act and not hide."

Questions and requests for accountability by various sectors of society have arisen due to the purchase processes that the Government has carried out since the quarantine to combat Covid-19 was applied.

The Chamber of Commerce also reacted on Monday, demanding transparency in the purchase of equipment and goods to deal with the pandemic.

The intention of the Ministry of the  Presidency to buy $100 ventilators for $5.2 to attend to coronavirus cases, generated widespread negative reactions.

In the end,  the supplier reported that it could not fulfill the order.  To date, the Ministry has not given details on whether other companies have shown interest in fulfilling the order.

The supplier's withdrawal came, hours after the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office announced an investigation ex officio for the alleged commission of the crime against the public administration and the Comptroller's Office said that not even an emergency situation exempts officials from transparently safeguarding the proper use of state assets and resources.



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Wild West facemask pricing during COVID-19 pandemic


Quick buck sellers in facemask market

Posted 27/04/2020

Suplidora Doble A,   a company registered during the Martinelli presidency (2009-14) to participate in government tenders, such as supplying office equipment, office furniture, food, dry meals, and sports equipment," and  which has been largely dedicated to car bodywork and car repair, has emerged as a supplier of facemasks at over three times the going  price during the coronavirus pandemic

While  Santo Tomás Hospital will pay just over $8 for the same type of mask as the Dr. Manuel Ferrer Valdés polyclinic in Calidonia, which will pay $ 1.64 per unit or less says a La Prensa investigation.

Through a direct contract for "evident urgency", the board of the Santo Tomás Hospital approved the purchase for $101,115 from Medical Innovations & Advances Corp. SA, for being "the only company" that has the immediate delivery of theN95  masks against high-filtration particles N-95, without exhalation valve, for personnel dealing with patients suspected or confirmed with coronavirus.

In a technical report, the hiring is justified by indicating that "the fight to control the viral outbreak that is shaking the country at the moment is a national emergency."

The resolution approving the acquisition of 12,600 medium face masks - dated April 24 - was signed by the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Health and Delegate President of the Board of Trustees of the Santo Tomás Hospital, José Baruco.

The masks –which have No. 28475 as their technical data sheet– are the same ones requested by the Dr. Manuel Ferrer Valdés Polyclinic of the  Social Security Fund (CSS).

In the proposal form, $328 is assigned to buy 200 masks at $1.64 per unit. 

The "urgency" to contract directly also had the Institute of Agricultural Marketing (IMA) on  Thursday, April 23, paying more than triple the value to acquire masks from Suplidora Doble A  The IMA would disburse $12,000 for 2,000 KN95 model masks, at $6 per unit.

The same masks that the IMA bought were purchased two days before by the Ministry of Government at a unit cost of $2.69. The masks will be used by the personnel of the Single System for Pre-hospital Emergency Management (SUME) 911.

SUME's executive director, Gil Fábrega, wrote to the director of Public Procurement, Raphael Fuentes, by note, claiming that he required direct contracting with Médica Fértil, SA, for more than $28,700 to acquire 10,000 masks, because “ the company was the one that offered the best price and, therefore, represents the best interests of the State ”.

A web search with the NK95 mask model reveals that masks are available at $1.41 per unit. The price would be because a new design was placed on the ears and it has four layers of protection. The same model of the KN95 mask, but in the shape of a “3D” cup, can be purchased at $1.88 per unit.

Suppliers of medical supplies consulted by La Prensa  agreed that the costs of the masks acquired by the entities are "exaggerated", since prices in the market are lower, despite the pandemic, and even more so when they are requested in  large quantities.



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Carlos Garcia, new vice minister of the Presidency

The president of the Republic, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen, announced this afternoon the appointment of Carlos Garcia as the new vice minister of the Presidency, replacing Juan Carlos Muñoz, who presented his resignation this week.

"With his long history and experience, we know that he will responsibly perform this new challenge," said President Cortizo Cohen on his Twitter account when commenting on the new vice minister.

Garcia currently held the position of general secretary of the Institute of National Aqueducts and Sewers (lDAAN). He held the position of secretary general of the Comptroller General of the Republic (2014-2019) and was also vice minister of the Presidency between May 2008 and June 2009.

He was executive director of the Social Investment Fund of the Presidency of the Republic from September 2007 to May 2008; general manager of the Tocumen International Airport between September 2004 and August 2007; Director of Administration and Finance of the Superintendency of Banks of Panama from June 1998 to December 1999, among other positions.
In his academic training, Garcia is a magister in Forensic Auditing, in Taxation. and Fiscal Management; in Auditing: He has a Bachelor of Commerce with a Major in Accounting and is a licensed public accountant.





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Prosecutors will continue probe of ventilator and other pandemic buys


Eduardo Ulloa

Posted 28/04/2020

The resignation of Juan Carlos Muñoz as vice minister of the Presidency will not halt  the investigation Opened by the  Public Ministry (MP) determine if there was a crime related to the purchase of 100 hospital ventilators for over $48,000  each said  Panama’s   Attorney General the  Eduardo Ulloa. on Tuesday, April 28.

According to Ulloa, the MP has a constitutional and legal obligation to carry out investigations from the moment he receives news of acts of possible commission of a crime.

The Attorney General reported that, for two weeks, he has asked officials to redouble their efforts so that state resources are managed transparently in the midst of the pandemic.

The MP Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office is in charge of the ventilator probe and in principle, the facts that are given along with the documentation will show which officials would be linked to the case.

He said  that other investigations have been opened such as the purchase of masks by the National Assembly, a contract from the Mayor's Office of San Miguelito, the distribution of medicines by the Social Security Fund, among others.



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Multi-million “National Emergency” purchase questioned


Posted 28/04/2020

Another multi-million dollar contract issued under the umbrella of the National [COVID-19],Emergency signed by a former vice president of the Presidency who resigned this week, has raised fresh concerns in an organized society.

A payment commitment document circulating on social networks, dated March 22, indicates that the delivery of 2.5 million bottles of alcohol gel,  costing$13.3 million was to be completed on April 20.

Researching public procurement. Panama Compra, La Prensa found nothing regarding the gel

The company from  which the Presidency allegedly promised to buy the gel bottles is Unión Logística, SA , chaired by Enrico Marcello Perrone, according to the Public Registry. The commercial reason of the company is " to provide the service of load in general". According to customs data, Unión Logística, SA has not imported alcohol gel says La Prensa.

The payment commitment refers to the delivery of 2.5million  bottles of 500 ml each, of alcohol-based gel with 70% alcohol-based in water. 

The circulating documents do not specify the brand of the products. According to the proposal, the first delivery of 200,000 bottles was due on March 31. In periodic deliveries from that date until April 20, the 2,500,000 bottles had to be delivered. According to the document, the last delivery was 800,000 bottles.

The payment commitment cites the  March 13 Executive Decree declaring  a state of national emergency, in the face of the spread of Covid-10 in Panama. The resolution declared that the Ministry of the Presidency is the entity in charge of managing public funds to face the emergency.

Both the payment commitment and the proposal have the signature of Juan Carlos Muñoz, vice-minister of the Presidency until April 27.

Muñoz resigned after it was revealed that he was the signatory of another payment commitment letter, for the acquisition of 100 AHP-300 fans for $5.2 million, at a price of  $48,950 apiece, to Muriba Company, Inc. The beneficiary company With the contract - which is not on the list of providers registered with the Ministry of Health.

While Muñoz was struggling to explain the purchase,  the Muriba Company Inc. informed the Presidency that it could not supply the equipment in the agreed time and blamed the manufacturing company.

Organized civil society has questioned the Executive body for not publishing purchases made in the framework of the national emergency in Panama Compra, since it makes it impossible to control public resources.

At a  Monday press conference Vice President and Minister of the Presidency, José Gabriel Carrizo, stated that they have not been disclosed because the documents are not available. Both Carrizo and President Laurentino Cortizo have repeatedly said that all purchases around the Covid-19 will eventually be audited by "renowned companies."



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Carrizo instruye a comisión de compras por COVID-19 que rindan informe semanal al país


El vicepresidente de la República y ministro de la Presidencia, José Gabriel Carrizo

Odalis Núñez

El vicepresidente de la República y ministro de la Presidencia, José Gabriel Carrizo instruyó a la comisión de compras de insumos y equipos médicos ante la pandemia del COVID-19 realizar este miércoles 29 de abril, la primera rendición de cuentas al país.

Esto, tras cuestionamientos e investigaciones que lleva a cabo el Ministerio Público por el proceso de adquisición de compra de ventiladores con supuestos sobrecostos y la presunta compra millonaria de botellas de gel alcoholado. 

A través de su cuenta de Twitter, Carrizo publicó que todos los miércoles se rendirá un informe semanal de las compras al pueblo panameño.

Asimismo, solicitó a la Dirección General de Contrataciones Públicas (DGCP), que en su portal Panamá Compras se publiquen en la sección de transparencia todas las compras realizadas por el Ministerio de la Presidencia con los fondos de Emergencia Nacional en el periodo en curso.

El pasado 27 de abril, el viceministro de la Presidencia, Juan Carlos Muñoz, presentó su renuncia al presidente de la República de Panamá, Laurentino Cortizo, tras cuestionamientos por el proceso de adquisición de compra de ventiladores con supuestos sobrecostos.

Muñoz señaló que se cayó la compra millonaria dado que la empresa que entregaría los respiradores indicó que no podría despacharlos por la alta demanda.


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Carrizo instructs the purchasing commission for COVID-19 to report weekly to the country


The Vice President of the Republic and Minister of the Presidency, José Gabriel Carrizo

Odalis Núñez • Apr 29, 2020 - 07:54 AM

The Vice President of the Republic and Minister of the Presidency, José Gabriel Carrizo instructed the purchasing committee of supplies and medical equipment in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic to carry out the first accountability to the country this Wednesday, April 29.

This, after questions and investigations carried out by the Public Ministry for the process of acquiring the purchase of fans with alleged cost overruns and the alleged purchase of millions of alcoholic gel bottles.

Through his Twitter account, Carrizo published that every Wednesday a weekly report of purchases will be rendered to the Panamanian people.

Likewise, it requested the General Directorate of Public Procurement (DGCP) to publish all purchases made by the Ministry of the Presidency with National Emergency funds in the current period in its transparency section Panama Portal.

On April 27, the Vice Minister of the Presidency, Juan Carlos Muñoz, presented his resignation to the President of the Republic of Panama, Laurentino Cortizo, after questions about the process of acquiring the purchase of fans with alleged cost overruns.

Muñoz pointed out that the million dollar purchase fell because the company that would deliver the respirators indicated that it could not dispatch them due to high demand.



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1 hour ago, Moderator_02 said:

Why are not the companies in the country of Panama that make alcoholic beverage making alcohol disinfection products? ... the necessity of adequate stores for when the quarantine is lifted? ...................A guess. 

Edited by Brundageba
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El Gobierno cede: publica detalles de compras y contratos de la pandemia

Eliana Morales Gil
30 abr 2020 - 12:00 AM


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