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Well.  According to the news the First Lady met some investors from China or Japan that were interested in doing the study first and later to star the project for the train system from Panama to Chiriquí.

It is only a talk of intentions.  I have not read anything else about it.  I hope that the plans become a reality soon.  Of course it is a project that could take some years to finish but for sure it will be a good project long waited by Panamanians.   I guess it will also have some trains cars for cargo that could also contribute to revenues of the system.


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There's no way this possibly happen SOON, given the negotiations and then construction that would be required. We all likely would be in our graves or urns. However, it certainly would be a good thing for Panama, particularly for David and surrounding communities.

Edited by Bonnie
wrong word
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This is not going to happen. The economics don't add up. A high-speed train costs about 17-21 Million USD PER kilometer according to the World Bank.

there are roughly 400 km between David and Panama City, so construction costs would be about 8 Billion USD. I figure there are about 2500 daily but trips from Panama City to David. At $30 each, it would take about 250 years to pay off the capital costs. Now, you're not even looking at operating costs YET. 

We just don't have the population densities of Asia and Europe. And by the way, I don't think any of these high-speed rail schemes survive without generous government subsidies.




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AI Planet Telecom presents numbers that are useful to understand the cost and the economical analysis to understand if the project of such size is viable or not. 

According to the news paper note, it was the actual company that did the approach to Panama's government and presented the idea of the project.   They are only doing the factiibility studies to see if that investment is viable.  I guess that this train wont be only for transporting people but they will also consider moving cargo.

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I think a regular train would be possible however, just not the high speed ones like in Asia which has a population to support the investment of such rapid transit. 

A regular train that could also haul cargo from PC to David would keep a lot of trucks off the highway, especially while so much construction is going on. In fact would be great if it could go all the way to the Costa Rica border.

If it could also have an Amtrak type service for those wishing to take a train rather than fly or drive would be beneficial as well though I'm not certain there would be enough demand for that service.

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And it required bold type to say that too right?  They may not expect to make a profit but they do in fact expect for it to pay for itself at some point I would think. In PC it's obviously meant to provide cheap transportation and get vehicles and buses off the crowded streets. However I thought this thread was about a rail system from PC to David!

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