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Everything posted by BD

  1. We have the head of Minsa go outside of Panama earlier this year for health care, and now the president as well. What does this say about the confidence of the big-Whigs in PC about the status of health care in Panama? Just curious.
  2. Just curious why you don't also (or instead of) post that information here on this website, which is dedicated to area that you are interested in. You could put it in a posting, or even put events on the calendar that this website has. Just curious.......
  3. Interesting YouTube video about the ten easiest/best countries to retire in. To remove some of the suspense for those who don't want to watch the video is that Panama is #1 on this list. This video is dated December 2021. I've seen many of these videos through the years and Panama seems almost always to rate high if not first on many of the lists.
  4. This is a glowing indictment of the health care system in Panama. And from the guy in charge of the health care system in Panama. Wow!
  5. Agree with Joyful’s comments. I’ve found that Copa does a pretty good job of booking the appropriate connecting/through flights, if you have everything on one reservation. The hard part recently has been connecting to a live Copa agent by phone. Be on the watch for cancelled flights, which has now happened twice with bad results.
  6. Seems to be some sensitivity on your part. Did you not read Tom Brymer's entire article and then also look up the Washington Post article that was referred to? I did a Google search about this news content and found over a dozen references to many reputable news sources on both sides of the aisle, but granted none that went into detail about the alleged statement by the Panamanian Foreign Minister. Everyone seems to blame "the other side" for things they wish not to hear or read. I just hope your posting doesn't start a political firestorm here on this website since they seem to be cool on letting people attack others, as you are doing. Suggest you do more research and a second reading before making opinionated comments. Chill out.
  7. Who is this? What are his credentials? Not a good posting. Not even a name.
  8. Who is doing this survey, and to what purpose? Also, I filled out the questionnaire, but concluded that the person who created it does not know how to prepare a proper survey. It sounds like they are either a novice or have an agenda for wording the survey in the manner in which done. I suspect novice is the proper conclusion.
  9. I have no idea what you are asking for. Suspect that English is not your first language. Please try again. I do agree that Netflix is less than fulfilling. Have you tried doing a Google search?
  10. Not a topic that I typically would be interested in, but this guy is interesting. Did a bit of research on YouTube and found: Now I am more befuddled than ever. So much for my interest in the secrets of the universe.
  11. An impressive doctor. His depth of knowledge and presentation skills are to be admired. Completely changed my thoughts about marijuana. Thanks for posting this.
  12. I chuckle at emails and postings like this. No where does the person who sent this advertisement tell the public about themselves. What is their name? What are their credentials? How many years of experience do they have? Etc. Etc. Etc. That absentmindedness tells me to avoid this service provider.
  13. I’ve been to Japan and one of my first impressions was that in general the Japanese people are smaller than Americans. Not only in girth but also height. This thing looks huge next to Americans so think about how much bigger it would be on a smaller Japanese bride. Wow. A huge amount of work went into making this garment.
  14. I am stunned and majorly disappointed that Newsboquete would distribute such an announcement. Yes, I do care about the children. This announcement is basically inviting all of the Newsboquete readers to participate in a public protest. When I got my residency I was warned not to get involved in Panamanian politics because it can lead to losing residency status and being deported. Protest if you wish, but just know that you are placing at risk your status here in your guest country.
  15. Found this information on Google. Kinda interesting and lots of pictures from the past. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Panama+Border+Crossing/@9.4984345,-82.6133439,3a,75y/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipPUvWf4qHDhEOfXkHU43usWQOXdFbFhx5qZRZtC!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipPUvWf4qHDhEOfXkHU43usWQOXdFbFhx5qZRZtC%3Dw203-h148-k-no!7i3970!8i2901!4m7!3m6!1s0x8fa641b04d6dd805:0x5255ec450412b707!8m2!3d9.4984345!4d-82.6133439!14m1!1BCgIgAQ
  16. Really sad to read this. Such a loss. Who leads BCP now?
  17. Really interesting information. I had no idea that these ladies gather together and volunteer their time and resources to help support the needy in our community. I salute you. Thank you for posting this information.
  18. I have heard about the Handicap Foundation but knew little of it. Glad that you posted this. Lots of good information, and the pictures brought it home. This is important stuff for the Boquete community. Thanks to the three ladies who did the interview, but not just for doing the interview. Also for the volunteer work they do and have done for years.
  19. I know they probably mean well, but the people planning and executing (and naming) these open markets are making a huge mistake. They seem to be trying to leverage the reputation of the Tuesday Markets that BCP organized and managed for years. Why don't they grow up and quit trying to confuse people. Name it something like Tapout Market or Rotary Market or some such?!.
  20. Routine supplies for some of my hobbies are hard to get now and in some cases simply not available. I agree with the comments here. Blaming something or someone won’t help, but it might make me feel better for a few minutes. I now truly understand the meaning of the word frustration. Mention above of Amazon now brings up bad thoughts. Some vendors are gouging. If Amazon were a local store it would be called being gringo-ed.
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