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How in the world do you keep them from fighting? I have to be ever vigilant with my pack. And I am amazed that they are all calmly eating right next to each other. I could never do that with mine! Feeding time at my house is a real "adventure."

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Thank you, but I think it would be utter chaos at my house. At least I have a "system" of feeding a couple at a time and keeping the others separate. Also, two of mine are on special diets.

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9 hours ago, Dottie Atwater said:

How in the world do you keep them from fighting? I have to be ever vigilant with my pack. And I am amazed that they are all calmly eating right next to each other. I could never do that with mine! Feeding time at my house is a real "adventure."

Dottie, we have watched Javier work with and train these dogs. With little effort from him the animals respond immediately. A special skill and looks like magic.

Bud calls Javier a “dog whisperer”. :)

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