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A Blog Which Asks for Help with my Blog

Phyllis Mc



I started writing blogs for Chiriqui.life after another creative outlet in my life was abruptly closed to me. Bud and Marcelyn had started "a free online community information forum for the exchange of ideas, the posing of questions, and the sharing of local information." What the hell, I thought, I've written on and off throughout my life, most recently for the Bajareque Times. I could start a blog. Share my wealth of knowledge (heeheeheehee).

It has been a pretty good fit for me. Bud and Marcelyn are incredibly supportive and encouraging, and correct all my tech problems for me. I like to write, and I like it when people comment on my stuff. I even like it when they disagree with me because people on Chiriqui.life disagree in a nice, thoughtful manner.

What I am struggling with now is what blogs would be of interest to my readers. I imagine that most of my readers are from Boquete; or are people who are thinking of either moving to/ or visiting Boquete.

I'd like to know what you are interested in. Restaurant reviews, the culture, the people/community who live here, what it is like living in a small Latin town, what to do, interviews with local folks, or tours/stuff to do  that isn't posted on Trip Advisor. Better yet, I would love ideas for blogs that I haven't thought of, or wouldn't have thought of if you hadn't steered me in the right direction.

Help me out here. I am no investigative reporter-- not a "scoop" kind of gal. But if there is something you want to know that would appeal to most of my other readers, please leave me your ideas in the comment section.

I would be ever so much appreciative.



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I love your approach.   Here are my thoughts for what it is worth...

I think that there is a huge focus on people coming, visiting or moving here.   Those things get written about a great deal.  It would be hard to offer something new and to stay interesting if that was your theme.    A blog is great when the reader can get a feeling of being with the writer.    It is not about cold facts, it is about the reader experiencing things through the eyes of the writer.

I followed a blog of a gal who was travelling through Colombia.  In her travels she had found the city Medellin to be a great spot to write about.   She wrote about a wide variety of things, not just the local restaurants or night clubs.   It was about travelling out to the surrounding area and discovering the countryside as well as the city itself.    Sadly she ended her blog because she found the love of her life and got married.   Her blog is now about married life and not the travel and discovery she wrote about so beautifully.

Something like that could be very useful here for both the new visitor  as well as us "long-timers".   I love finding and hearing about places outside of  Boquete.    They can be restaurants, recreations spots, little hidden gems, unique stores and even interesting people out in the countryside.    I recently heard from a friend about a couple of waterfalls and swimming area out past Caldera - not the hot springs where most of the tourists go but something much further out of town.  

A blog about discovering those hidden gems and unique spots out in the countryside would be my vote for an interesting and informative blog.

I look forward to reading something new and interesting...   

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How's about a blog about a dog and a frog on a log in a bog?

When the water rises, the log will float away, and it can be a travelogue.

Just funnin', all the best,


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To me, this blog is one of the joys of offering and administering CL.

In my words, Twin Wolf is suggesting letting others experience life vicariously through the writings of someone else. That works for me as well. In fact, that was part of our vision about what CL could and hopefully would be.

I also agree with NOT focusing on "selling" others on the value of moving here, but rather sharing of the ad hoc experiences that make this area so special, bordering on unique.

Marcelyn and I have a [Canadian] friend who travels frequently, sometimes together with us, and who writes well. His blog entries make us feel like we are there traveling with him. The blogging is not long or tedious, but rather short with carefully chosen words, sprinkled with a few photographs.

Hil is another CL blog owner who writes of his experiences. And then there are the activity announcements by JM regarding the periodic walks that he (assuming JM to be male) schedules. His photos are simply captivating to my way of thinking.

There is a lot of bad stuff going on in our lives at this time, and these positives are definitely appreciated.

Thank you Phyllis -- and Hil, and Twin Wolf, and JM, et al.

P.S. For Phyllis, I am up to lesson 67 in the Language Transfer series that you brought to my attention. My Spanish language skills definitely are improving because of one of your blog posts.

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Language Transfer is the "company" name. This is all free stuff, and available on the Internet through various channels. Here is their website (specifically for the Spanish courses): http://www.languagetransfer.org/#!complete-spanish/c1313

You can also find this series on YouTube, which is typically where I listen to the lessons. Even though it is on YouTube, which is a video medium, there is only audio and one static picture that displays.

I don't want to say this series is the best thing since sliced bread, but it is really good for the way my mind processes information. I highly recommend it, but if it doesn't work for you, then look elsewhere. I will most likely repeat this course at least one more time, possibly two. It is that good.

Phyllis also had a couple of other resources that she identified. Try looking at her blog entry at: http://www.chiriqui.life/blogs/entry/109-dont-be-afraid-learn-spanish/


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12 hours ago, Penny said:


JM stands for Jere McCormick, the leader of the hiking group and very definitely a woman.

I know several people named Jere. Some are male and some are female. That is why I wrote my reply in the manner in which I did.

At least I now know that the JM Jere here in Boquete is female. Really stunning photography regardless of gender.

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